- So far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless. 到目前為止,還沒有找到那失蹤的男孩。
- They made a long search for the lost child. 他們花很長時間尋找失蹤的孩子。
- We did a computer search for all the hyphenated words. 我們用電腦查找所有用連字元連接的詞。
- The police left no stone unturned in their search for the missing child. 警察為了尋找這個失蹤的兒童,使用了一要手段。
- The police are off the beam in their search for the criminal. 警察搜尋罪犯時方向錯了。
- The police are off beam in their search for the criminal. 警察搜尋罪犯時方向錯了。
- She left no stone unturned in her search for her lost child. 她千方百計尋找丟失的孩子。
- All the ships in the vicinity of the crash joined in the search for survivors. 撞船事故發生地區的所有船隻都參加了搜尋倖存者的工作。
- To search for and expose misconduct in public life. 揭醜,揭發搜集並揭發社會生活中的醜聞
- His life's work centred in the search for a cure for the terrible disease. 他一生的工作主要是尋找一種療法以醫治這種可怕的疾病。
- Police are searching for the culprits. 警方正在搜捕罪犯。
- The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research. 在各種醫藥研究中,應首先解決尋找新疫苗的問題。
- He searched for work at various stores. 他在各家商店尋找工作。
- A plane was detached to search for survivors. 派飛機去搜索倖存者。
- The historian search for primary source of information about the past. 歷史學家尋找有關過去的原始資料來源。
- Volunteers joined the search for the lost child. 有人自告奮勇也來尋找那失蹤的孩子.
- We search for five hours and all for nothing. 我們找了5個小時,但毫無結果。
- He who will search for pearls must dive below. 采珍珠,須潛水。
- The soldiers fanned out across the hillside in their search for the man. 士兵們在山腰上成扇形散開,搜索那個男人。
- Gerhardt, now better, searched for work at the various mills. 蓋哈特現在好一些了,就到各工廠去找工作。