- A policeman in plain clothes shadowed the criminal all day. 有個便衣警察整天秘密監視那個罪犯。
- The detectives were in plain clothes. 警探穿著便衣.
- Policemen in plain clothes intermingled with the crowd to prevent trouble during the foreign ruler's state visit. 便衣警察在這位外國首腦進行國事訪問期間混入在人群中以防騷亂。
- Two policemen came to the door: one was uniformed,and the other was in plain clothes. 兩個警察來到門前:一個穿警服,一個著便服。
- The policeman in plain clothes rushed out of the bus station in hot pursuit, but the thief hadvanished into thin air. 便衣警察衝出車站,窮追不捨,但小偷居然消失得無影無蹤。
- Two policemen came to the door: one was uniformed, and the other was in plain clothes. 兩個警察來到門前:一個穿警服,一個著便服。
- It is said to have been fortuitously created by a chef when he served an emperor in plain clothes. 傳說它是一位廚師接待微服到訪的皇帝的一次「意外」之作。
- KGB officers in plain clothes were clearly in charge even at the police station, and the arrest itself was as choreographed as the trial to come. 很明顯,當時是由克格勃KGB的便衣特務在控管,甚至連警署情況也是如此,逮捕行動和接下來審訊類似,都是他們編排的。
- Very large, ultra-complex, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, for the beginning of Maxi and his team in plain clothes, the same is an unprecedented task. 超大型的活動、超複雜的情況,對於北京市公安局,對於馬曦初和他的便衣隊伍,同樣是一個前所未有的課題。
- A walk in the fresh air will pep me up. 我在空氣新鮮的地方散步就感到精神飽滿。
- They have military in plain clothes everywhere and snipers on the roofs," says Tsewang Rigzin, president of the Tibetan Youth Council based in Dharamsala, India. 「這個年,我們什麼也不慶祝,因為我們沒有任何可慶祝的事情」,他冷酷地說道。
- I like to go for a walk in the snowy streets. 我喜歡去雪中的街道上散步。
- General Goring, called as witness, entered the courtroom soon after ten o'clock with a large following of ADC's in police, air service, and Nazi uniform, and of officials in plain clothes. 10點剛過,戈林將軍走進了審判廳出庭作證,身後跟著一大群隨從,其中有穿警察制服的,有穿空軍制服的,有穿納粹制服的,官員們則身穿便服。
- Would you like to go for a walk in the drizzle? 想去毛毛雨里散會兒步嗎?
- One day, Mr Ampere go out for a walk in the street. 有一天,安培先生去街上散步。
- She's in plain clothes. 她的穿著很樸素。
- I used to take a walk in the morning. 我以前常在早晨散步。
- Plain clothes are appropriate for school wear. 樸素的衣服適合於上學時穿著。
- It is abnormal for a man to walk in his sleep. 夢遊是不正常的。
- I used to take a walk in the quiet grove. 過去我常在那安靜的小樹林里散步。