- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候遲到的人使我們厭煩。
- The robber is lying in wait for the rich traveler. 強盜埋伏著等待有錢的旅客。
- Let' s call in on the old granny for some minutes. 我們花幾分鐘去看看老奶奶吧。
- Please wait for me at the bus terminal. 請在公共汽車終點站等我。
- Years go by, I am still waiting for sb else to understand; Years go by, I choke on my tears till finally find nothing left. 你還好;文憑和經驗通過努力還是可以彌補的...但是居然有人嫌我矮....:'(個就沒辦法克服了!!!我也想長得高挑點的:'(:'
- Don't wait for me go right along. 不要等我,你繼續走吧。
- She has impatience to wait for the bus. 她沒有耐心等公共汽車到來。
- Should anyone call me, tell him to wait for me. 要是有人打電話來,告訴他等我。
- S: Thank you.I'll wait for your call.Bye. 謝謝。咱等你的電話,再見。
- Should anyone call, tell him to wait for me here. 萬一有人找我,讓他在這裡等我。
- Will you wait for me? I shan't be a minute. 等等我行嗎? 我馬上就好。
- There is a great chance of success for sb. 某人大有取得成功的機會。
- Jim: No, but it's rush hour. Just wait for my call. 不算遠,現在是交通高峰期,你就等我的電話吧。
- Be instrumental in doing sth for sb. 為某人干某事出力。
- I am returning Mr. Brown 's call . 我在回brown先生的電話。
- I'll go nuts if I have to wait for two hours. 假使我得等兩個小時,我會發瘋的。
- It 's call an air - conditioner . 這叫空調器。
- In the mood for sth. Keep an eye on for sb. 為某人留意著留意,為某人照看著保持健康。
- Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out. 貪心的繼承人等待著老頭斷氣。
- Have a motherly affection for sb. 對某人懷有母親般的慈愛。