- He arrived looking pinched with hunger and cold. 他到達時看上去又餓又冷。
- It is undouble that thousands of people still live a miseble life with hunger and cold nowadays. 無可爭辯,現在有成千上萬的人仍過著挨餓受凍的痛苦生活。
- The explorers were faint from hunger and cold. 探險者們因饑寒交迫而委頓不堪。
- They were done with hunger and weariness. 他們又累又餓。
- The little match girl died of hunger and cold. 賣火柴的小女孩饑寒交迫而死。
- My childhood was not one of hunger and cold. 我的童年既不挨餓也不受凍。
- In old days, my father died of hunger and cold. 在舊社會,我父親死於饑寒交迫。
- The beggar died of hunger and cold. 那乞丐因飢餓和寒冷而死。
- She was probably mad with hunger and thirst in that lonely hot spot. 在那炎熱孤寂的地方,她很可能因為又餓又渴而幾近發瘋。
- Before the liberation, farmer is struggling in suffering hunger and cold. 解放前,農民在饑寒交迫中掙扎著。
- Before the liberation,farmer is struggling in suffering hunger and cold. 解放前,農民在饑寒交迫中掙扎著。
- In the old society, the working people were living in hunger and cold. 舊社會,勞動人民過著饑寒交迫的生活。
- faint with hunger and cold 因饑寒而暈倒
- He is weak with hunger, so I have to support him. 他餓得沒有力氣,我得攙著他。
- The old man is fainting with hunger. 這位老人快要餓昏了。
- Hunger and cold are creating great unrest among the soldiers of the warlord armies. 軍閥軍隊中的士兵因饑寒而醞釀著很大的不安。
- The poor girl was fainting with hunger. 這個可憐的女孩因飢餓而日漸憔悴,體力不支。
- Frail from hunger and cold, the dying white kitten lies limp in the monkey''s arms. 那隻又餓又冷的貓兒軟弱無力地躺在猴媽媽的懷裡。
- Those who are well-fed and well-clad are inclined to be lustful;whereas hunger and cold Breed the temptation to steal. 飽暖思淫慾;飢塞寒起盜心
- One of the small children began to wail with terror. 這群小孩中的一個嚇得開始大哭。