- Your eyes widen and brim with tears. 你睜大了眼睛,眼眶中充滿了淚水。
- The daily sun has a smiling face,leave yourself a smile,and brim with your smile under the sunlight ,warm like spring ! 每天太陽的笑臉,讓自己微笑著,和你的微笑邊的陽光下,溫暖如春!
- The plum trees bloom and brim over with prime plump plums. 李樹開了花,結滿了上等的,圓滾滾的李子。
- Saturday morning came, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life. 星期六早晨來到了,整個的夏季世界是光明燦爛,生氣勃勃、洋溢著生命的氣息的。
- Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition. 然後上帝帶來了馬鈴薯,天然的低脂肪和充滿營養。
- He was brimming with health and spirits. 他身體健康,精神飾有。
- Palate : Dry, crisp acidity, soft yet structured tannins, full bodied and brimming with rich supple fruit. 口感干,清脆的酸度,柔順的單寧結構,重酒體和豐富的果香。
- She was filled to the brim with girlish glee. 她充滿了少女的喜悅。
- He filled the bowl to the brim with rice. 他盛了滿滿一碗米飯。
- The basin was filled to the brim with water. 臉盆盛了滿滿一盆水。
- It will someday brim with waving glow sticks. 總有一天能看到揮舞的熒光棒。
- She was filled to the brim with happiness. 她非常幸福。
- China's burgeoning economy has Beijing bustling,buzzing and brimming with commercial chaos. 中國經濟的迅速發展,讓北京的商業「大雜燴」呈現出生機勃勃、欣欣向榮的景象。
- SATURDAY morning was come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life. 星期六的早晨到了,夏天的世界,陽光明媚,空氣新鮮,充滿了生機。
- Moute is fruit-forward, fresh on the palate and brims with fresh fruits character.It is perfect to enjoy sipping or as an ideal companion for spicy or grilled food. 滿歌果味充沛、清新的味覺及豐滿的果香特性、可享受地慢慢啜飲或配以混有香料或烤的菜式。
- Janie brims with independence and strength. 珍妮獨立自強,充滿活力。
- A covering for the head, especially one with a shaped crown and brim. 帽子:特指具有特定造型的頂和沿的頭上的覆蓋物。
- Everywhere is brimming with life and vitality. 處處充滿著微生機和活力。
- In terms of the conflicts between an individual life and historical rationality, LuYao's novels observed the existence of an individual person, showed a concern over his or her value and brimmed with a strong felling about the common people. 路遙的作品在個體生命與歷史理性的衝突悲劇中,透露出對人的存在狀態的深入體察,以及對人的生存價值的深切關注,洋溢著濃烈的平民意識與平民情懷。
- Turning the soil, sowing seeds, spraying water and applying fertilizers, all these bring them endless enjoyment.Harvest after hard work makes even more joyful and brimming with cheerfulness. 翻土、播種、澆水、施肥都帶給了他們無窮的樂趣,辛勤勞作后的收穫大家更是喜笑顏開,愉悅之情溢於言表。