- His English was taught by correspondence. 他的英語是靠函授學習的。
- There was also voting by ballot. 也有用選票選舉的。
- What does voting by secret ballot mean? 無記名投票選舉是什麼意思?
- Click pic,then vote by photo comment o! 按一下照片,然後以照片評論的方式投哦!
- To cast a vote by inserting(a name not listed on a ballot). 投票給通過插入(候選名單上未列出的名字)來投票
- Voting by mail was conceived to encourage election fraud. 通過郵件來投票註定要助長選舉的欺詐性。
- It was already clear that not much progress would be made by correspondence. 已經可以看得很清楚,單憑通訊,不會使事情有多大進展。
- Finally, all the members of the club decided to vote by ballot. 最後,俱樂部的所有成員決定進行無記名投票。
- It was very long, involved and comprehensive, done mostly by correspondence. 它是非常長,複雜的和廣泛的,主要靠通信進行。
- The vote by all the IOC members will be taken in Singapore on July. 今年7月,國際奧委會委員將在新加坡投票決定(2012年奧運會的主辦城市)。
- "It's a simple vote by SMS," Hotz said by telephone. 投票截止日期為1月14日。
- The rules and regulations are set down as a result of voting by the bowlers. 規則被登記為投球手表決的結果。
- Methods By correspondence analysis in SPSS 11.0,the data of backgrounds of university students was analyzed. 方法運用SPSS11.;0中對應分析過程;對1656例大學生相關背景數據進行分析。
- The absence of an explicit vote in your code casts a commit vote by default. 默認情況下,如果代碼中沒有顯式投票,則默認為贊成提交。
- Sometimes they can attend lectures in the evening, but many of them have to study by correspondence. 有時他們可以在晚上來聽課,但是他們之中有許多人必須函授學習。
- Dear Sir, This letter might surprise you because we have met neither in person nor by correspondence. 因為我們未見面親自和由書信,親愛的先生,這封信件也許使您驚奇。
- Mao Tsedung met Bethune only once, but they remained acquaintances by correspondence. 毛澤東只與白求恩見過一面,但他們通過書信保持聯繫。
- Money for a new school was voted by the board. 創辦一所新學校的錢已由董事會通過。
- Our candidate will rake in votes by the thousand. 我們的候選人將會得到上千張選票。
- Those who successfully passed final exams by correspondence are given ESCC exam Certificate. 那些藉助函授成功地通過期末考試的學生,會獲得歐洲函授測試證書。