- I think point is made clear without debate. 我認為這一點是不言自明的。
- It's better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debate it. 討論問題而不予解決,總比未經討論而就去解決問題為好。
- Most of this legislation passed without debate in the House, and with only the briefest consideration in the Senate. 前者,他主要依靠在競選時和他共進退的人,這些人組成的團體開始叫做「智慧信託」後來又叫做「十人委員會」。
- Parliament voted the bill through without a debate. 國會未經辯論就投票通過了這項法案。
- Even more encouraging for gay activists, politicians in liberal states are discovering that they can cast gay-friendly votes without being punished for it on polling day. 對於自由州的同志活動家,政治家們來說,更令人鼓舞的是,在投票日當天他們可以不受懲罰的投同性戀友好的票。
- Gary Cheng from DAB beat the independent Tony Chan by 106 votes without good reason.Chan had been councillor for 16 years and from what I noticed he surely did more than Cheng! 昨晚我打俾佢;佢同我講輸94票;我不禁哭了出來...一位為社區做了十多年的實幹並居於村內的議員;竟然會輸俾一個空降隱型親共派;到底發生了甚麽事?對家換...
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年齡在十八歲以上的男女有投票表決權。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 沒有空氣調節器,在這間屋裡很難入睡。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有學問而無常識,則這種學問無甚價值。
- The lord vote to amend the bill. 上院投票對議案進行修正。
- The US senate vote against the proposal. 美國參議院投票反對該建議。
- Thanks for your vote of confidence. 謝謝你對我的支持。
- He used his casting vote to block the motion. 他用他的投票反對動議的通過。
- Sixty abstain in the vote on capital punishment. 在表決死刑時,60位下議院議員棄權。
- I may vote for her at the next election. 下屆選舉我可能選她。
- He was elected by a unanimous vote. 他以全票當選。
- He acted wrongly and without scruple. 他做了錯事毫不內疚。
- If we cannot agree, let's vote on it. 咱們意見要是不一致就表決吧。
- The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government. 反對派通過了對政府的不信任投票。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝兩邊看看就穿馬路是莽撞的。