- Well, his vital sign seems to be ok, pupil dilation is normal. 他的生命體征還算正常,瞳孔也還正常。
- Take his vital signs at regular intervals. 每隔一定時間檢查他的生命體征。
- Vital Signs energy cost reduced from 5 to 2. 重要信息提示耗魔減少從5改到2。
- The C group patients in the operation had more equability vital sign and less complication(P<0.05). 結果C組患兒手術中生命體征平穩,麻醉用藥少,併發症少(P<0.;05)。
- Results The C group patients in the operation had more equability vital sign and less complication(P<0.05). 結果 C組患兒手術中生命體征平穩,麻醉用藥少,併發症少(P<0.;05)。
- Objective To observe the effect of heat preservation on vital sign of geranial patients undergoing abdominal operation. 摘要目的觀察保溫干預對老年腹部手術患者生命體征的影響。
- Vital Signs Provides a reading of each Marine's status. 重要資料顯示每個陸戰隊員的狀態。
- Energy cost of Navy Corpsman's Vital Signs reduced from 10 to 5. 海軍醫務兵的重要信息提示耗魔從10減少到5。
- Tell them VSA, vital signs absent, I'm starting CPR. 告訴他們 VSA ,缺席的重要符號,我開始 CPR 。"
- Vital Signs: Temperature respirations heart rate blood pressure. 生命體征:體溫,呼吸,心率,血壓
- Only seldomly, brain stem ICH will cause fever, becasue the brain stem are vital sign center!! And brain stem ICH case will die fast!! 但年輕人不會.;我只是要大家多想想為何應是中風的個案為何會發燒?
- Conclusion The valid mental nursing,the careful preparation of pre-operation,rigorous vital sign monitoring and health education were the main poin... 結論有效的心理護理,細心縝密的術前準備,術后嚴密的生命體征監測,做好心理護理,健康教育及出院指導是安全實施老年患者腹腔鏡膽囊切除術的護理重點。
- Pain is the fifth vital sign besides temperature,pulse,respiration and blood pressure,"relieving pain is the patient's essential right". 疼痛被確認為繼呼吸、脈搏、體溫、血壓4個生命體征之後的第5生命體征,"消除疼痛是患者的基本權力"。
- The entire process does not need anaesthetize, and remove the scab extremely,it has a more vital sign ificance for burning treatmen tre-garding the function spot. 全過程無需麻醉,脫痂十分徹底,對於功能部位的燒傷治療具有更重要的意義。
- Objective To compare the effects of propofol with traditional thiopental anesthesia for oral-maxillofacial surgery in terms of vital sign changes and awakening time. 摘要目的觀察異丙酚用於口腔頜面外科手術麻醉時對循環、呼吸及蘇醒的影響,並與傳統藥物硫噴妥鈉相比較。
- Methods we used psychologic nursing care, vital sign monitoring, basic nur-sing ways, wound nursing and other nursing skills for 14 patients with acute necrotizing fas-ciitis. 方法對14例急性壞死性筋膜炎患者採用心理護理、生命體征監測、基礎護理以及創面護理等方法進行護理治療。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺騙手段說服她在文件上簽字。
- Meantime, the vital sign, intracranial pressur(ICP), blood gas values, blood electrolytes, brain tissue oxygen pressure (P bt O 2), brain tissue temperature (BT), cerebral LDF flow(LDF flow) and jugular venous oxygen saturation (SjvO 2) were measured. 同時監測病人的生命體征、顱內壓 (ICP)、血糖、血乳酸、血氣、血電解質以及腦組織氧分壓 (PbrO2 )和腦組織溫度 (BT)、腦微循環血流 (LDF血流值 )和頸靜脈血氧飽和度 (SjvO2 )。
- Laboratory indication and clinic effect were analyzed.Results The AMY and WBC were significantly decreased in treatment group.The vital sign recovery time was shorter than the control group. 結果治療組血清AMY、WBC水平顯著下降,生命體征恢復到正常範圍的時間明顯縮短,腹痛、發熱癥狀的消失率及患者的治癒率明顯高於對照組。
- Vital signs are usually recorded from once hourly to four times hourly, as required by a person's condition. 根據病人狀況,生命體征通常每小時記錄一次或一小時記錄四次。