- Feature involving special visual and sound effects. 包含有特殊的音像效果的圖象。
- The 1993 tech-thriller Jurassic Park may offer the ground-breaking visual and sound effects. 1993年驚險片『侏羅紀公園』給觀眾帶來全新的視覺和聲音效果。
- The performance of its rich, vivid visual and sound effects, greatly enhanced the attractiveness of the presentation of information. 其豐富的表現力、生動的視覺及聲響效果,大大增強了所演示信息的吸引力。
- The film won four Academy Awards for its Sound,Visual Effects,Makeup,and Sound Effects Editing. 影片贏得了音響、視覺效果、化妝和音效剪輯4項奧斯卡大獎。
- Excellence in technical disciplines is also recognized, including art direction, cinematography, costume design, makeup, film editing, sound and sound effects editing, and visual effects. 技術方面的優異表現也會得到獎勵:這包括藝術指導、電影攝影、服裝設計、化裝、編輯、音響效果和視覺效果。
- Excellence in technical disciplines is also recognized,including art direction,cinematography,costume design,makeup,film editing,sound and sound effects editing,and visual effects. 技術方面的優異表現也會得到獎勵:這包括藝術指導、電影攝影、服裝設計、化裝、編輯、音響效果和視覺效果。
- Clever lighting and sound effects brought greater realism to the play. 巧妙的燈光和音響效果給這齣戲注入了更強的現實主義色彩。
- Extremely stunning graphics, graphical effects, music and sound effects. 擁有極好的視覺衝擊圖形,圖形效果,音樂和音響效果。
- Aural style sheets use a combination of speech synthesis and sound effects to make the user listen to information, instead of reading information. 聲音樣式表使用了結合演講與聲音的效果來讓用戶可以聽信息而不必閱讀信息。
- An audio technician mixes the voices with music and sound effects and synchronizes everything with the action. 一個聽覺技術由音樂中帶有聲音和聲效等所有的同步動作組合而成。
- This article explains one by one my opinions on the law of dub in narration,music and sound effect. 本文就聲音的三個組成部分:解說、音樂、效果聲,分別闡述了有關配音規律的個人觀點。
- They have got home safe and sound. 他們已平安到家。
- Provide multimedia object libraries, video footage, background music and sound effects as part of the production workflow. 提供多媒體物體圖書館、電影片段、背景音樂和音響效果作為製作流水線的一部分。
- This is what remains if you eat the fruit out of a fruit basket. It can be used as a container and has very nice graphics and sound effects. 本來是裝水果用的籃子,當你把水果吃完后留下,可以把它當容器,漂亮又有音效。
- All his sons returned safe and sound from the war. 他所有的兒子都從戰爭中平安無恙地回來了。
- Methods Visual and intuitional case analysis. 方法:病例分析法。
- From dance, design, and dramatic criticism to stage combat, Shakespeare and sound effects, students receive a complete theatre experience. 從舞蹈,設計,戲劇批評,以期打擊,莎士比亞和音樂效果,學生接受完整的劇場體驗。
- My visual and audile senses were tangling. 我的視覺和聽覺混合起來。
- The package arrived safe and sound. 包裹寄到,絲毫無損。
- Software Description: About 3D Angel Fish, This screen saver has a variety of realistic multi-colored sea critters, plants and sound effects. 這個屏幕保護程序有各種各樣的現實多種顏色的海洋生物,和聲音效應。