- In order for the icon to appear, the Visible property must be set to true. 為使圖標出現,Visible屬性必須設置為true。
- Note: The visible property of the window's scrollbar must be set to true if using this method! 注意:如果要使用這個方法必須得讓窗口的滾動條可見為真。
- If this value is False, Microsoft Word opens the document but sets the Visible property of the document window to False. 如果該值為False,Microsoft Word將打開文檔,但將文檔窗口的Visible屬性設置為False。
- You can collapse a category to reduce the number of visible properties. 可以摺疊類別以減少可見屬性數。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把財產的一半分配給他們各人。
- The hills were barely visible through the mist. 小山隱沒在薄霧中難以看清。
- The big rafter is visible in this room. 這間屋子粗大的椽子可以看得見。
- The sea is visible from my hotel room window. 從我旅館房間的窗戶可以望到大海。
- The courts ordered the seizure of all her property. 法院下令查封她所有的財產。
- The tower was visible from afar. 從遠處就能望到那座塔。
- This star is not visible to the naked eye. 這顆星肉眼看不見。
- She has a right to the property. 他享有這比財產權所有權。
- The emission of visible light by a hot object. 白熱光物體遇熱發出可見光
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 財產於1998年將歸還原所有人。
- Various parts of his anatomy were clearly visible. 他身體的各個部分都看得很清楚。
- The stolen property must be restored to its owner. 贓物必須物歸原主。
- A visible shudder swept over her. 她全身明顯一震。
- He gave full particulars of the stolen property. 他詳細列出全部被盜的財物。
- Mr. Brown is a highly visible politician. 布朗先生是一位經常公開露面的政客。
- The body was visible below the surface of the lake. 屍體在湖水下清晰可見。