- His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful. 他的書法蒼勁有力。
- The soldiers look vigorous and forceful partly because of the long-term hard training. 解放軍戰士挺拔的動作是刻苦訓練的結果。
- Old as he is, he is none the less vigorous and active. 雖然他年紀很大了,他仍然精力充沛。
- The Bush administration, however, offered a chance forneoconservatism to recover its vigor and force and the happening of September 11Incident enhanced the prevalence of its policy arguments. 但是,布希政府的上台為新保守主義提供了重整旗鼓的機會,「9·11」事件的發生更使它的政策主張大行其道。
- He made an impassioned and forceful speech. 他作了一次痛快淋漓的演說。
- His dance movements are vigorous and graceful. 他的舞姿雄健優美。
- Young people are vigorous and vital. 年輕人朝氣蓬勃。
- He is vigorous and unrestrained in behaviour. 他這個人做事豪放不羈。
- His speech was brief and forceful. 他的發言簡短有力。
- The lads work with vigor and energy. 小夥子干起活來真是生龍活虎。
- His article was brief and forceful. 他的文章簡短有力。
- His brushstrokes are fluid, vigorous and elegant. 他的作品筆墨靈逸,暢快淋漓,勁健繁茂、沉鬱秀雅
- The old man is still vigorous and lively. 那老人依然精力充沛。
- I think their voices are vigorous and deep. 我覺得他們的聲音很渾厚,很低沉。
- May I be energetic, vigorous and persevering. 願我精力充沛、充滿活力、做事堅持不懈。
- Muk Min symbol of the vigorous and dynamic. 木棉象徵蓬勃向上和生機勃勃。
- He is declared personal non grata and forced to leave the country. 他被宣布為不受歡迎的人而被迫離開該國。
- Today's qingyuan is vigorous and vibrant. 現在的清遠充滿了生機和活力。
- The children are full of vigor and vitality. 孩子們朝氣蓬勃。
- The dramatist cut out a couple of scenes in his script to make the play more compact and forceful. 那個劇作家刪掉了原稿中的兩場,使劇本更加緊湊,更加有力。