- You need more studios base for video production. 你們需要更大的錄象空間以適應錄像業務發展的需要。
- "The video product of next generation will ask the huge reserve with cabinet dimension is measured. 「下一代的影像產物將要求尺寸玲瓏的海量貯存量。
- We provide video product and solutions for video client from internal and oversea. 為國內外的視頻客戶提供視頻產品及方案。
- A branch office to take care of our video production needs. 開設從事錄像製作的分部。
- Eagle Tree does not sell these video products, but several of our dealers do. 鷹樹不出售這些視頻產品,但我們的交易員幾個做。
- MicroVision video product corporation is special in the state-of-the-art technology for developing video capture equipment, intelligent machine vision system and image procession system. 維視數字圖像技術有限公司是專業從事計算機視頻圖像採集設備的研發、機器視覺領域應用及圖像處理系統解決方案專業提供的高科技企業。
- Video Division is the Agent of SHARP LCD, It develops, manufacturesand markets a complete line of Video products. 全線代理日本SHARP系列液晶電視及相關產品。該部門主要開發,生產,銷售全線視頻產品。
- A video production company wants to shoot an educational film about day to day training at your club. Do you agree? 一家音像製作公司想要拍攝俱樂部訓練射門的片子,同意嗎?
- Axis Communications of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, has added a new camera to its line of network video products. 馬薩諸塞州切姆斯福德軸心通信又在其網路視頻產品中增加了新的攝像機。
- Audio and Video Products, Bags, Wallets and Pouches, Consumer Goods, Electrical and Electronic Products N. 採購產品聲音和錄象機產品,袋子,皮夾和小袋,生活消費品;電而電子產品N.
- Members who are exempted from video production must be noticed in the assignment chart. 如視訊製作系參加跨組製作,務必在分工表中註明。
- Now, he brings his expertise to the relatively new field of sound for digital video productions. 現在,他把他的專門技能引入相對新的聲學領域,以製作數字視頻。
- Audio and Video Product Publication Regulation 音像製品出版管理規定
- Our client is a global business leader specializing in the field of commercial/professional audio &video products, elec...... ... 公司名稱:上海捷毅人力資源有限公司工作地點:上海市發布時間:2009-8-1
- Classes will teach young people the basics of song-writing, video production, marketing and management alongside their usual curriculum studies. 除了學習日常課程外,年輕人們還將學習歌曲創作、電視製作、市場營銷和管理等課程。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 該項新產品成了該公司的聚寶盆。
- Our products are widely applied into many domains such as Power Supply, electroform, communication manufactures, video products, etc. 廣泛應用於電源、電機、通訊產品、視聽產品等多個領域。
- Newspapers, periodicals, books, audio and video products, and electronic publications, etc. shall be published by publishing entities. 第九條報紙、期刊、圖書、音像製品和電子出版物等應當由出版單位出版。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能說對你們的產品滿意。
- The term "audio and video products" as mentioned in the present Provisions refers to the AT, VT, CD, VCD and DVD on which contents were recorded. 本規定所稱音像製品是指錄有內容的錄音帶(AT)、錄像帶(VT)、激光唱盤(CD)、數碼激光視盤(VCD)及高密度光碟(DVD)等。