- The proposed method can detect scene boundaries through using various macroblock type of B-frame and P-frame in MPEG video flow in order to realize accurate scene change positioning. 該演算法只需要通過直接抽取MPEG視頻流中的B幀、P幀中的宏塊類型信息,並對其進行計算就可以檢測出視頻中存在的鏡頭邊界,從而對場景變換進行精確定位。
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在視頻光碟上,一種連續的幀序列。
- A good video camera will cost you a pretty penny. 一台好的攝像機要花掉你很多錢。
- I bought to that book from flowing pedlar there. 我從流動小販那裡買到了那本書。
- The cinema has largely yielded to the home video. 電影業在很大程度上已讓位給家庭錄像電影。
- They showed a video of "Gone with the Wind". 他們放了錄像片《亂世佳人》。
- Could you video the documentary for me? 幫我錄一下這個紀錄片好嗎?
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水從管道里通暢地流了出來。
- The good video is always rented out. 好看的錄像帶總是被借走。
- A canyon usually has a river flowing through it. 峽谷常常有河流經過其中。
- I'm going to have a video rental shop and make a bomb! 我要開一個出租錄像帶的店,賺大錢!
- She is a star of stage, screen and video. 她是舞台影視三棲明星。
- In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在對流中熱氣流向上運動。
- After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了幾下之後,水流出來了。
- I don't see any point of playing video games all day. 我看不出整天打電動玩具有什麼意義。
- Profits are flowing out of the country. 利潤源源不斷地流向國外。
- The booms kept the logs from flowing away. 柵欄擋著原木,不讓它們飄走。
- Electricity is flowing (in the circuit/wires). 電在(電路[導線]中)流動。
- I can not rent this video--there is a girl behind the counter. 我不能租這一盤錄像帶--櫃檯有女孩子。
- Blood suddenly started flowing out. 突然流出血來。