- Ma Yiming worked in a public institution, but he is only a vice section chief. 馬一明在機關苦熬了十來年,只混了個副科級,日等夜等的扶正機會,卻突然因為一個荒誕的事件錯失了。
- The section chief will join us for dinner. 處長將和我們一起吃晚飯。
- I have to resign my position as section chief. 我不想當科長了我要辭職.
- He resigned his post of section chief. 他辭了科長的職務。
- The section chief lorded it over the clerks and typists. 部門主任在職員和打字員面前大逞威風。
- Do not you think the section chief's desk is unusually clean? 你不認為主管的桌子異常的乾淨嗎?
- Have you approached the section chief for taking the day off? 你找科長請假了嗎?
- Don't you think the section chief's desk is unusually clean? 你不認為主管的桌子異常的乾淨嗎?
- Flip him over, cuff him!」 the section chief yelled. 弄翻他,扣起來!」科長發話了。
- First, there's the section chief, then three men and three women. 有處長,還有三個男的和三個女的。
- Do not you think the section chief 's desk is unusually clean? 你不認為主管的桌子異常的乾淨嗎?
- "Flip him over, cuff him!" the section chief yelled. 「弄翻他,扣起來!」科長發話了。
- Section chief and Xiao Li shake hands, Xiao Li noisily blushes. 科長和小李握手,小李鬧個臉紅。
- The section chief is quite an entertainer. I never will have guess. 主管對表演真有一套,實在出乎我的意料。
- E.g:The reason why he became the section chief is flattering. 例句:他之所以能當上科長,就是因為會拍馬屁。
- He is nominated section chief. 他被任命為科長。
- The section chief is quite an entertainer. I will never have guessed. 主管對表演真有一套,實在出乎我的意料。
- Mr Smith,Mr Thompson,may I introduce to you Mr Lin,our section chief? 譯: 史密斯先生,湯姆森先生,請讓我介紹一下我們科的科長林先生。
- Oh,no! I am stuck with having to share the same room with my section chief ! 啊,糟了!我被安排和主管睡同一房間了。
- Robert gets the upper hand over me for the position of section chief. 羅伯在爭取科長職位方面比我佔優勢。