- Vested rights overflow outwardly. 利權外溢。
- A vested right. 法定的權利
- The theory of vested rights receives scant support at present day and it has, indeed, been devastatingly criticized. 既得權理論在目前獲得的支持甚少,事實上它已經遭到猛烈的批評。
- The study of obtaining the right to terminate a contract may start from two dimensions of expectations right and vested right. 本條所稱月工資是指勞動者在勞動合同解除或者終止前十二個月的平均工資。
- During the period when formalism was popular, Beale developed American conflicts law with the form of Restatement of the Law of Conflict of Laws (First), based on his theory of vested rights. 在形式主義法學影響下,比爾以《美國衝突法重述(第一次)》為主要載體,以既得權理論為根基,進一步發展了美國的衝突法。
- To acquire the vested right, usually certain condition will be met; while in the contract when the main bodies contrast significantly, for the sake of the interest of the weak part, the acquisition of vested right should have to meet specific conditions. 既得解除權的取得,一般只需要滿足一定條件;但在主體強弱勢對比顯著的合同中,為了保護弱勢一方的利益,既得解除權的取得除需滿足一般條件外,還須滿足一定的特殊條件。
- That begins to fill a very troubling aspect of the modern property right theory of the firm as championed by Hart and his coauthors. 等人倡導的現代企業產權理論的一個非常棘手的方面。
- It may seem somewhat presumptuous for me to speak of the financial crisis here, in the temple of the right theory of business cycles. 我在這裡,在這個商業周期正確理論的殿堂之上,談及金融危機可能似乎有些冒昧。
- Now the appearance of phenomenological theory may make up Nietzsche's regret not to find the right theory and expressing wise. 當代現象學的發展可以彌補尼采當年找不到合適的理論資源和表達方式的遺憾。
- This part is the general program of the thesis.The second part introduces Marx"s rental and land price theory and property right theory. 第二部分主要介紹了馬克思的地租地價理論和產權理論並且闡述了這些基礎理論對確定土地收購價格的啟示。
- The right theory of what or means in English is that it is in general inclusive but that sometimes the exclusive special case is conveyed as a conversational implicature. 英語中關於是什麼和是怎樣的恰切理論是,它們之間通常是包含的,但是有時又將一些會話中暗含的、特殊的情況排除在外。
- The court held that Congress had intended vested rights under the lease to be invulnerable to defeasance by subsequently issued regulations. 法院認為,國會在立法時的意圖是,租約賦予的權利不能因其後頒布的條例而作廢。
- Representing 「motion doctrine ethics of revering the life」, 「animal right theory and animal liberate theory」, 「earth ethics」, and 「ecological ethics」. 面對這種情況,西方自然主義的環境倫理學應運而生。
- By the discussion of Right Theory of Hayek. the thesis has also given comments and criticisms on the relevant positive Right Theories. 本文在對比分析中,以哈耶克的權利觀為視角,審視批判了相關的肯定性的權利理論。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服總是式樣最新的。
- He is vested with very power to act. 賦予他採取行動的一切權利。
- Hamilton advocated the reason of tools and centralism, Jefferson sincerely believed in the natural right theory and talent human rights. 漢密爾頓崇尚工具理性和集權主義思想,傑斐遜則篤信自然權利學說及天賦人權觀念。
- With his remarkable intelligence, he haselucidated the unique and significant natural right theory among whichthere are some profound original ideas still glistening sparklingly so far. 他以其卓越的智慧闡發了獨特而意蘊深刻的自然權利學說,其中的一些深邃創見至今仍閃爍光芒。
- He only wears a vest in the room. 他在家裡只穿了一件背心。
- It challenges the traditional civil rights theory, particularly the theory on jus ad rem. 它的出現,對傳統的民事權利理論尤其是物權理論提出一系列的挑戰。