- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球運動員,你應該看他踢球。
- She sampled the cake and found it very good. 她試吃蛋糕,覺得很好吃。
- He was very good to me when I was ill. 我生病時他幫了我的大忙。
- A good omen for poor English, eh? 這是貧窮的英國之吉兆,是嗎?
- He's not very good but he's a real trier. 儘管他並不十分出色,但他至少勤勤懇懇地努力去做了。
- The writer is not very good at writing dialogues. 這個作家不太擅長寫對白。
- Radio reception isn't very good here. 這裡的無線電接收情況不太好。
- The house has a very good position. 這所房子處於一個很好的位置。
- Catherine is in very good looks. 我見過凱瑟琳氣色很好嘛。
- Some magpies was singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture. 當我初次離家時,喜鵲在樹上唱歌,在中國文化中這是個好預兆。
- Some magpies were singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture. 當我初次離家時,喜鵲在樹上唱歌,在中國文化中這是個好預兆。
- The writer is not very good at writing dialogs. 這個作家不太擅長寫對白。
- These players made a very good combination. 這些球員們配合得很好。
- It was considered a good omen if the bull ate food offered to it. 人們認為,聖牛吃了自己給它的食物是好兆頭。
- This author/novel is a very good read. 這位作家的著作[這部小說]非常好。
- I like John, a very good friend of mine. 我喜歡約翰,他是我非常要好的朋友。
- A good omen that success is in whatever concerns you. 成功的預兆無論什麼關係。
- I like to swim, but I'm not a very good swimmer. 我喜歡游泳,可是我游得並不好。
- It was the tallest and thickest I had ever seen, a good omen. 這是我見過的長得最高最密的玉米地,是一個好兆頭。
- Their citizenship in school is very good. 他們在學校的表現非常好。