- It really doesn』t matter what that something is, the act of forcefully changing one』s emotion is rather imprudent. 還在跟爺爺奶奶過的日子裡,比較煩惱的就是每天晚上不到9點就要入睡的規定。
- Probe into the Liu Yu Xi"s emotion world, help know him microcosmic, truer. 探究劉禹錫的情感世界、情感特質及其造因,有助於更微觀、更真實地了解他。
- Of course, this just is the jape of vent one's anger, but player of animal of demon of it serves to show is not had possibly to Zhang date the panic that reason deletes and anger. 當然,這隻不過是泄憤的戲言,但足見魔獸玩家對於賬號可能被無理由刪除的恐慌和憤怒。
- It is only too natural that the writer?s emotion is manifested unconsciously through his works. 作家內心深處的情感不經意間通過文學表達出來,這不是偶然的。
- Is or to the netizen that the viewpoint thinks used a network to enjoy adequately " vent one's anger " after gluttonous regale need not " buy sheet " and the farce that looks on from banquet? 抑或是有觀點認為的網民利用網路充分享用了一場「泄憤」的饕餮盛宴之後無需「買單」而離席旁觀的鬧劇?
- Thirdly, by analyzing the Fu on the Cicada, I reveal the writer"s emotion in it. 再次通過對詠蟬賦的解讀,分析作品中作家的情感寄託;
- Games are the lifestyle of children』s emotion and they edify children』s temperament. 遊戲就是兒童情感生活的方式,它陶冶了兒童的性情。
- borrow grass to express one?s emotion. ( 3)借草抒情。
- These eight factors is a method path that business negotiates the personnel can affect the opponent negotiator"s emotion in order to in fulfillment. 這八個因素即是商務談判人員在實踐中可用以影響談判對手情緒的方法途徑。
- The factors which causing the negotiator"s emotion takes place are the variety numerous, and these factors cause different emotion in the different negotiator. 由於引起談判者情緒發生變化的因素眾多,且這些因素在不同的談判者身上引起的情緒變化不一。
- Science disregards human s emotion and spirit world, while advocating objectivity and rationality, and that simple humanity tends to be of parochialism and extremeness. 自然科學在崇尚客觀與理性的同時可能忽視物質世界以外的精神世界,而單純的人文學也可能走向狹隘和極端化,自然科學與人文學應在互制互利下統一。
- To vent one's pent-up feelings. 發泄被壓抑的感情
- vent one's spleen; lose one's temper; be in a tantrum 鬧脾氣
- Venting one's anger between each other is the weaker's only way to deal with misfortune. 彼此之間互相發泄,是弱者對待不幸的唯一手段。
- The editor' s emotion includes not only the general feelings of huaman being but also the ehracteristics of being influenced and awaken, creative, purposeful, reasonable, non-self in the result. 編輯作為精神文化的生產和創造者,在編輯活動中所表現出來的學識、觀點、認知水平、價值取向,並不完全是編輯自身認識上的直接結果,還有相當一部分受情感因素的影響。
- She gave vent to her indignation in a fiery speech. 她在一篇激烈的演說中發泄怒氣。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- There is a side vent on her skirt. 她的裙子上有一個側邊的開衩。
- To give vent to pent-up emotion. 釋放被壓抑的情感
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。