- Angular momentum is an axial vector quantity. 角動量是一種軸矢量。
- The sledge gained momentum as it ran down the hill. 雪橇從山上下沖時動量越來越大。
- An irreversible momentum toward open revolution. 朝向公開革命不可逆轉的勢頭
- Strong forward momentum; driving force. 強大的前動力; 推動力
- The struggle for independence is gaining momentum every day. 為獨立而鬥爭的勢頭日益增長。
- As the rock rolled down the mountainside, it gathered momentum. 石頭滾下山時,它的動量增加。
- As the rock rolled down, it gathered momentum. 岩石滾下山坡時,衝力愈來愈大。
- Use menus to provide a pedagogic vector. 用菜單來提供一條學習的途徑。
- The movement was gaining momentum. 這運動勢頭越來越大。
- That is transitory or semipersistent in its vector. 在它的介體中是屬於中間的或半持久的。
- The vector product is said to be anticommutative. 可以說矢積是反交換的。
- The movement to change the union's constitution is slowly gathering momentum. 修改工會憲章的運動正慢慢加強。
- These are inserted into a cloning vector. 它們被插入克隆載體。
- The strain vector is a scalar quantity. 應變向量為一純量。
- The sledge gained momentum as it run down the hill. 雪橇從山上下沖時動量越來越大。
- The train gathered momentum as it left the town. 火車出了城就逐漸加速賓士。
- Momentum and energy have been united. 動量和能量統一了起來。
- In other words, menus provide a pedagogic vector. 換句話說,菜單是一條學習的途徑。
- In this chapter we will discuss angular momentum. 本章將討論角動量。
- Luke, l have no approach vector. 路克!我沒航道檢視器!