- He is a vast library in epitome. 他腦中有萬卷藏書。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然開闊起來,形成一個寬廣的河。
- He stated his views in broad outline. 他粗略地講了自己的觀點。
- Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up. 空中樓閣,要有一大筆費用來維持。
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工業有廣泛堅實的基礎。
- The crooks ripped off a car in broad day light. 那些歹徒在光天化日之下盜竊了汽車。
- That is a vast and lavish party. 那是個規模盛大、極其鋪張的宴會。
- The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles. 遼闊的平原綿延數百英里。
- She has a broad knowledge of computers. 她對計算機有廣博的知識。
- There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor. 貧富的鴻溝始終存在。
- This room is as broad as it is long. 那個房間長寬相等。
- He hurt his left ankle in the broad jump. 他跳遠時扭傷了左踝。
- Our policy must be made known to the broad masses. 我們的政策必須讓廣大民眾都知道。
- The survey covered a broad spectrum of topic. 這本簡史涉及的話題範圍很廣。
- A vast crowd turned out to watch the match. 大群的觀眾到場觀看比賽。
- Vast multitudes of birds visit this lake in spring. 春天有大批的鳥飛臨此湖。
- That will make a vast difference. 那將會有天壤之別。
- She once ruled over a vast empire. 她曾統治過一個版圖遼闊的帝國。
- The stars are radiators of vast power. 恆星是巨大能量的輻射體。
- He had broad shoulders and powerful arms. 他肩膀寬大,雙臂有力。