- The two friends show utter devotion to each other. 這兩個朋友肝膽相照。
- Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness. 有的則認為是由於全身心地投入工作以至於對自己近乎殘忍的科度。
- They have been praising him up to everyone they meet for his utter devotion to others without any thought of himself. 他們見人便誇獎他毫不利己專門利人的精神。
- The guy got promoted not so much by his utter devotion to his work as by fawning upon his supervisor. 那老兄得到提升,與其說是靠對工作的極大投入,不如說是靠巴結上司。
- The guy got promoted not so much by his utter devotion to his job as by fawning upon his supervisor. 這個傢伙能夠提升,與其說是靠對工作的投入,還不如說是靠巴結上司。
- And those who serve, who serve wholly, unquestioningly, with utter devotion of mind and soul? 任何無怨無悔追隨他的人,願意獻出靈魂和精神的人!
- Your honourable sister Mrs. Sun missed you very much during her lifetime. She often talked of your ardent patriotism and utter devotion to the reunification of China. 令姐孫夫人生前,極為思念夫人,每每言及夫人愛國情切,必將致大力於中國之統一。
- Comrade Bethune's spirit,his utter devotion to others without any thought of self,was shown in his great sense of responsibility in his work and his great warm-heartedness towards all comrades and the people. 白求恩同志毫不利己專門利人的精神,表現在他對工作的極端的負責任,對同志對人民的極端的熱忱。
- Comrade Bethune's spirit, his utter devotion to others without any thought of self, was shown in his great sense of responsibility in his work and his great warm-heartedness towards all comrades and the people. 白求恩同志毫不利己專門利人的精神,表現在他對工作的極端的負責任,對同志對人民的極端的熱忱。
- encourage spirit of utter devotion 提倡奉獻精神
- serve the people with utter devotion 赤膽忠心為人民
- show utter devotion to each other 肝膽相照
- ardent loyalty; wholehearted devotion; utter devotion 赤膽忠心
- Their slavish devotion to the leader is unhealthy. 他們對領導的盲目崇拜是不健康的。
- He returned her love and devotion with usury. 他給她的愛戀和忠誠以加倍地回報。
- His apish devotion irritated her. 他那惺惺作態的愚忠使她惱火。
- His devotion to music is plain to see. 他對音樂的摯愛是顯而易見的。
- His career is a story of utter disaster. 他在事業上一事無成。
- A career needs our devotion all our lives. 一項事業需要我們畢生的奉獻。
- His heart sink as he listen to the judge utter the fateful word. 他聽到法官字字千鈞的話,頓時垂頭喪氣。