- This is a repeat performance of the enemy's old policy of using the stick and the carrot, either alternately or simultaneously. 這是敵人一打一拉、又打又拉的老政策的重演。
- I use the rudder pedals and the stick and throttle to hold the jet exactly where it is. 我用方向舵、駕駛桿還有油門來保持住飛機的狀態。
- Dick's father used the carrot and stick when he talked about his low grades. 狄克的父親在談論他的低成績時,威脅利誘兼施。
- Pour water gently and use the stick to separate the stones from the fecal material. 罐入水並輕輕的用油畫棒將結石從糞便中分離。
- This means you can use the stick to operate the Wii Menu, which the Hori stick can』t do. 股溝就是一純娘們兒。======================= 有人說,股溝從來就沒想走,都是貴國的媒體造的謠。
- Use the MsgBox function and the line number to track the error. 使用MsgBox函數和行號來跟蹤錯誤。
- Always use the proper spelling and the proper trademark symbol. 始終拼寫正確,並使用正確的商標符號。
- Please use the rope to tie the thief and the bandit together. 關鍵字:「請把小偷和強盜用繩子捆在一起」英語怎麼說?
- Use the carbon black with low rolling resistance and the silica. 在胎面膠中使用白炭黑和低滾動阻力炭黑。
- Why don't you use the chopping board to cut the carrots? 你為什麼不用菜板切胡羅卜?
- Weapons 2 men forms: Different forms all using the saber, the spear, the stick the sword and others. 六、器械對練:對砍十三刀,對八卦刀,對扎六槍,迎手棍,划大桿,對劍等。
- He insists the condition to use the best material. 他堅持以使用最好的材料為條件。
- They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他們利用報刊來傳播右翼觀點。
- The world's smallest and lightest recording and playback MD Walkman. You can edit your mini disc by using the stick remote control. 當時最小最輕量的錄放機;你能夠通過棒型線控編輯MD碟片.
- My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone. 老闆不許我使用電話。
- Using the remote control,open the setup menu and the video submenu. 用遙控器打開設置菜單和視頻子菜單。
- He showed me how to use the tape recorder. 他教我如何使用這台卡式錄音機。
- I use the floor cleaner to remove grease. 我用地板除垢劑清除油污。
- Use the applicator provided to spread the glue. 使用所附塗敷器塗用膠水。
- Use the milk sparingly, there's not much left. 少用些牛奶,剩下的不多了。