- You should use dirty tricks, and resort to every conceivable means. 你居然連這種手段都用出來了,真是無所不用其極!
- In order to get promoted as a manager, he tried every conceivable means. 為了升職當經理,他採取了一切可能的手段。
- I must seek every conceivable means of having it offered to me voluntarily. I'm using all my ingenuity on this now, as though I'm engaged in a fierce struggle. 我要著那樣東西,我還不願去取得,我務必想方設計的讓他自己送來。
- Have criticized the conservative columnist, political terrorism, and every conceivable means to prevent the formation of a consensus of Americans to address the most serious domestic problems. 有專欄作家批評保守派為政治恐怖主義者,無所不用其極,阻止美國人形成共識,解決當前最嚴重的國內問題。
- We tried it in every conceivable combination. 我們把能想到的各種組合都試了一遍。
- The committee will use every means to raise money, but stops short at an increase in taxes. 該委員會將想方設法籌措資金,但在增加稅收上有所顧忌。
- by every conceivable means 千方百計, 用一切手段
- every conceivable means 一切辦法
- Use every inch of space on corner entry. 用盡每一寸空間進彎。
- They used every stratagem to acquire the company. 他們想方設法佔有這家公司。
- They struck at the enemy from every conceivable cover. 他們從一切能隱蔽自已的地方打擊敵人。
- In order to monopolize power, he does not hesitate to use every mean trick. 為了能夠擅權,他不惜使用各種卑劣手段。
- Goods of every conceivable kind are sold in this market. 這個市場有各式各樣的商品出售。
- Most parents feel that they have a stake in their children's future, and so will use every effort to help them. 大多數家長認為,孩子們的前途和他們有利害關係,所以盡一切努力幫助他們。
- Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable occasion. 避孕措施應該用在任何可以想到的場合。
- He tried to open the door by using every ounce of his strength. 他用盡全部力氣想把門打開。
- Women are smashing through age-old barriers in every conceivable facet of life. 女人正從生活的各個層面打破多年構築的藩籬。
- You can overtake in a few seconds, and use every opportunity. 你可以利用每一個機會在幾秒鐘內超過去。
- There is a vast store of knowledge in the world on every conceivable subject. 世人能想得到的每一個學科都蘊藏著極為豐富的知識。
- They knew how to use every expedient to deceive their victims. 他們知道怎樣運用種種辦法來欺騙他們所要加害的人。