- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼淚由上眼瞼下面的器官分泌。
- A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron. 飛機庫前面停機坪上,一架戰鬥機正在起動。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要樓上的房間。
- My hometown is in the upper reaches of the river. 我的家鄉在這條河的上游地區。
- He locked his diary in the upper drawer. 他把日記鎖在上層抽屜里。
- He have tattoo the name "marlene" on his upper arm. 他將"瑪琳"這個名字刺在臂的上方。
- A band or badge worn around the upper arm. 臂章戴在上臂的綁帶或徽章
- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上顎犬齒上顎的一個犬齒
- He's between the upper and nether millstone. 他深受上下夾攻。
- This part of town is where the upper class live. 鎮上這個地區是上層階級的人住的。
- He had an infection in the upper respiratory tract. 他上呼吸道感染。
- The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress. 參議院是議會的上院。
- There were beads of perspiration on his upper lip. 他的上唇上有汗珠。
- Dress hanger containers are one of our advantages. 掛衣箱是「領先」的一大優勢服務。
- The lower part of the pipe is separable from the upper part. 管子的下部可與上部分開。
- The old movie is a real cliff - hanger . 這部舊電影是真正的驚險片。
- All the upper ten thousand were present at the prince's ball. 所有上流社會人士都參加了親王的舞會。
- The joint or bend of the arm between the forearm and the upper arm. 肘關節上臂與前臂之間的關節或胳膊彎曲處
- Put your clothes on the coat hanger. 把衣服放在衣架上。