- The rhombic drive mechanism has two "yokes". 菱形驅動機構有兩個「軛」。
- Design drive mechanism, such as gearbox, drum etc. 驅動機構的設計,如減速箱,捲筒等。
- To continue turning or spinning after disengagement from the drive mechanism. 靠慣性滑行脫離了傳動機械後繼續轉動或旋轉
- Using this method, we can protract vector analysis atlas of planetary gear drive mechanism. 應用此方法,可定性地繪製出行星齒輪傳動機構速度分析圖譜。
- Electromagnetic movable coil control rod drive mechanism is a new type drive mechanism. 可移動線圈電磁驅動機構是一種新型的反應堆控制棒驅動機構。
- This work concerns in the rigidity experiment of coil-moveable electromagnetic drive mechanism for reactor control rod. 本工作在反應堆控制棒可移動線圈電磁驅動機構工程樣機實驗台架上,進行了電磁鐵剛度實驗。
- Any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working parts of a shaft or of a shaft and a driving mechanism. 離合器一種使軸的兩個職能部分或軸與機械驅動裝置處於相咬合或相分離狀態的設備
- The amplitude at the driven end is fixed by the driving mechanism. 由於驅動機構的作用,使驅動端的振幅保持不變。
- In the color swatch was good in the past, plant operators refused can drive mechanism cards and membership cards. 在不硃色樣操縱猜測好以後,機台操縱職員果斷不克不及開機制卡和會員卡制息。
- The stirrer is rotated by a rotational drive mechanism installed on the reservoir. 該攪拌器由安裝在儲蓄器上的旋轉驅動機構所旋轉。
- It design the computer procedures that can select automatically the type of planetary gear drive mechanism, optimize the design and parametric drawing. 通過編製相應的計算機程序,實現了行星齒輪傳動的自動選型、優化設計和參數化繪圖。
- It adopts a friction drive mechanism comprised of 4 steel cables and internal damping friction roller as its actuating mechanism. 該機工作執行機構是4根鋼絲繩與內減速摩擦滾筒組成的摩擦傳動機構。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼淚由上眼瞼下面的器官分泌。
- A novel drive mechanism named micro-elastic mesh wheel was developed to transfer power between the cross axes in a limited space by in-tube micro robot. 摘要為解決管道微機器人在微小空間內的交叉軸傳動問題,研製了微小彈性嚙合輪的傳動機構。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要樓上的房間。
- The problem of synchrodrive for gantry-moving milling machines is researched, and two linear motors as traversing drive mechanism of gantries are applied. 針對龍門移動式鏜銑床同步伺服問題進行了研究,並用兩台直線電動機作為龍門柱縱向進給的傳動機構。
- Abstract: The paper deals with a linear direct drive mechanism o f electrode fo r electrical discharge machining (EDM) and its drive and control principle. 文摘:在介紹橢圓微驅動電火花加工機理的基礎上,分析了橢圓微驅動器對驅動電路的要求。
- My hometown is in the upper reaches of the river. 我的家鄉在這條河的上游地區。
- The problem of synchrodrive for gantry_moving milling machines is researched,and two linear motorsare are applied as traversing drive mechanism of gantries. 針對龍門移動式鏜銑床同步傳動問題進行了研究,並用兩台直線電機作為龍門柱縱向進圖1龍門移動式鏜銑床結構示意圖給的傳動機構。
- He locked his diary in the upper drawer. 他把日記鎖在上層抽屜里。