- Nothing could extinguish his faith in human nature. 沒有什麼能使他喪失對人性的信心。
- Responsible managerial position in human resources. 人力資源方面負責管理的職務。
- The October Revolution was a turning-point in human history. 十月革命是人類歷史的一個轉折點。
- He thinks that the Second World War was the worst blood bath in human history. 他認為第二次世界大戰是人類歷史上最慘重的大屠殺。
- A love of music is inherent in human nature. 愛好音樂是人類固有的特性。
- One of the lower or hind limbs in human beings and primates. 腿人類或靈長目動物下肢或後肢中的一隻
- The need to be loved inheres in human nature. 對愛的需求生來即存在於人的本性中。
- What they told me shakes my faith in human nature. 他們對我說的一番話動搖了我對人性的信念。
- It was not in human nature not to admire him. 不仰慕他是不近人情的。
- There are measurable changes in human performance. 人的行為具有可測出的變化。
- Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources. 馬來西亞人材濟濟,並擁有豐富的天然資源。
- Nothing can extinguish his faith in human nature. 什麼都不能破壞他對人類本性的信仰。
- Believed in a God immanent in human beings. 相信人類有一個內在的上帝
- Marriage is the most important thing in human life. 婚姻是人生最重要的大事。
- What you tell me shakes my faith in human nature. 你對我說的話使我對人性失去信心。
- Where does the radiation in human body come from? 人體內的輻射是怎樣來的?
- Ruthlessness and cruelty that in human nature. 人性殘酷毒辣的那一面。
- She has a background in humanities and modern languages. 她學過人文學科和現代語言。
- There is more bad than good in human nature. 人性惡多於善。
- Assessment centers in human resource management II. 評鑒中心在人力資源管理中的應用2。