- An open space or a break in continuity; a gap. 空白,空處連續中的空處或中斷; 間斷
- An open space under a roof; an attic or a garret. 閣樓,頂樓有屋頂的開闊地; 頂樓或閣樓
- They converged on the central open space. 他們在中央空地上集中起來。
- This is an open space, looks big. 這是一片開闊的空間,看起來挺大的。
- An open space or a break in continuity;a gap. 空白,空處連續中的空處或中斷;間斷
- Although we live far apart from each other, but the distance of the heart noes keeping anything from each other however without unoccupied place, wish you are happy. 當我走進網路的時候,我的心跳加快,當我看到你的出現,我激動萬分,當我走出網路,我感覺失意,沒有你的日子,我無法度過!!!
- An open space under a roof;an attic or a garret. 閣樓,頂樓有屋頂的開闊地;頂樓或閣樓
- Still should pull gnash one's teeth of the tooth after brushing to combine an aspect at the same time, the nest channel point that clean tooth closes an area is unoccupied place. 同時還應拉刷后牙咬牙合面,清潔牙合面的窩溝點隙。
- It's nice to have open space and pretty gardens. 擁有這樣露天空間和美麗花園真好。
- An open space serving as a passage or gap. 用於通道或孔的口子
- The moon cast a livid light into this open space. 月光正把那十字路口照得雪亮。
- About 382 sq.m. open space is on government land. 約382平方米休憩空間位於政府土地。
- On yarn of ramie of delicate straight lines lines, degree of finish is neat small dew of unoccupied place casual ground skins between the hollow out of one, reveal perfect and cherubic temperament! 在精緻的直紋線條麻紗上,粗細齊一的鏤空間隙不經意地小露肌膚,流露完美無邪的氣質!
- About 224 sq.m. open space is on government land. 約224平方米休憩空間位於政府土地。
- It's nice to have open space and beautiful gardens. 擁有開闊的空間和漂亮的公園是很美好的。
- We can rehearse in this open space. 這片空場剛好讓我們排練用!
- They converged on the central open space . 他們在中央空地上集中起來。
- In the center was an open space of considerable extent. 中央是一塊相當大的空地。
- Today in the open space stood a crowd of expectant people. 今天在那片空地上站著翹首期待的人群。
- An oval or a round structure having tiers of seats rising gradually outward from an open space or arena at the center. 圓形露天劇場蛋形或圓形建築,在露天的中央場地周圍有逐漸向外斜上升的階梯式座位