- He could bring out the universal element in the most parochial of issues. 他能在最狹隘的問題中揭示出普遍的要素。
- Businesses may be operated differently and the objectives of businesses may differ, but the universal element in all business activities is people. 也許企業管理方式不同,企業宗旨也有區別,但是在所有經營活動中的最普遍元素是人。
- The lyric protagonist in The Belles Longs and Shorts was a mythical multi-layered character whose deep psyche was composed with universal elements. 《美婦人詩吟》的抒情主人公是一個複式多層面的神話象徵形象 ,其深層結構由宇宙靈魂與宇宙元素組成。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷機上可拆卸的列印部件。
- Overpopulation is a universal problem. 人口過多是全球性的問題。
- He's in his element when playing badminton. 他打起羽毛球來真是得心應手。
- This heater needs a new element. 這個加熱器需要一組新電阻絲。
- Music has been called the universal language. 人們稱音樂為世界的語言。
- His courage compels universal admiration. 他的勇氣不禁令人肅然起敬。
- I'm out of my element in political discussions. 我不喜歡參加政治討論。
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我對電腦的維修保養很在行。
- Television provides universal entertainment. 電視提供大眾化的娛樂。
- Sulphur was not identified as an element until1810. 1810年以前還沒有認出硫是一種元素。
- The scientists are in search of a new element. 科學家們正在尋找一種新元素。
- This machine has a universal use in the home. 這種機器在家庭中有廣泛的用途。
- Such a universal genius is hard to come by. 這樣的全才是很難得的。
- He was out of his element at the ball. 他在舞會上感到格格不入。
- English is referred to as a universal language. 英文被稱為世界語言。
- There's an element of truth in his story. 他說的有些道理。