- The field test and adjustment prove that using this system can realize WOB simulation of testing unit and tracing WOB while drilling,it is a practical WOB simulation control system. 該系統理論先進,控制可靠,經現場調試和試驗證明,運用該系統能夠實現試驗裝置的鑽壓模擬與隨鑽跟蹤,是一套比較實用的鑽壓模擬控制系統。
- Stock transfer and adjustment in account. 庫存賬目轉移及調整。
- Economic Soar and Adjustment in Saudi Arabia. 沙烏地阿拉伯經濟的飛躍和調整
- Assist equipment engineer to set up and adjustment. 協助設備工程師完成設備的評估和測試及相關的工作。
- Analysis and adjustment for logistic charge. 運輸費用分析與調整。
- Company facility layout and adjustment plan. 公司設施規劃和調整計劃。
- How to look over and adjust the real clock time? 怎樣查看和調整實時鐘時間?
- Quick to change Measure Unit and Value. 測量單位及數值轉換功能。
- He took out the binoculars and adjusted the focus. 他取出雙筒望遠鏡並調整了焦距。
- The control unit and the Arithmetic/logic unit. 控制單元和算術或邏輯單元。
- Could you install and adjust for me? 你可以替我安裝調試嗎?
- Add the chopped lovage and adjust seasoning. 熄火后調味,放入獨活草葉碎。
- Check and adjust cueing operation. 檢查及調整。
- Check and adjust it by professional serviceman. 按專門人員檢查和調整。
- Load paper and adjust the paper guide. 載入紙張;然後調整紙張導引夾.
- Others need people to use them and adjust to them. 其它的則需要人們去使用和適應它們。
- Tweezers is excluded a control unit and a tweezers stand. 鑷子不包括控制台及鑷子座。
- My dear countrymen, let's unite and do our best for our motherland. 親愛的同胞們,讓我們團結起來為我們的祖國作最大的努力。
- In a computer, a functional unit that interprets and executes instructions. Note: A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit. 計算機中,解釋並執行指令的一種功能單元。註:處理器至少包含有一個指令控制器和一個算術與邏輯運算器。
- Navy must be composed of surface ship unit and submarine unit. 海軍一定是由水面艦艇部隊和潛艇部隊組成。