- United Towns Organization ( UTO ) 姊妹市團體聯盟
- United Nations United Towns Organization 聯合國姊妹城市團體聯盟
- United Towns Organizationn. 姊妹市團體聯盟
- United Towns Organization [UTO] 姊妹市團體聯盟
- United Towns Organization, UTO 姊妹市團體聯盟
- village and town organization in He'nan province 河南鄉鎮機構
- The two parties have united to form a coalition. 這兩個黨已結成聯盟。
- He was appointed ambassador to the United States. 他被任命為駐美國大使。
- That is, towns organized by this subsumption architecture can build, educate, rule, and prosper far more than they could individually. 原因是,多個鄉鎮通過包容架構組織起來進行的建設、教育、管理等活動遠比它們獨自進行時更繁盛。
- Manchester United beat Celtic in a friendly. 曼徹斯特聯隊在一場友誼比賽中擊敗了凱爾特隊。
- The matter was referred to the United Nations. 此事被提交給聯合國。
- villages and towns organization reform 鄉鎮機構改革
- He is accredit to the united nation. 他被任命為聯合國大使。
- The disputes was referred to the United Nations. 這項爭議已提交聯合國處理。
- Henan villages and towns organization 河南鄉鎮機構
- Canada and the United States are neighbors. 加拿大和美國是鄰邦。
- Japan does lots of trade with the United States. 日本與美國間的貿易頻繁。
- He went on a speaking tour of the United States. 他去美國作巡迴演講。
- They are trying to form a united front. 他們正試圖結成一個聯合陣線。
- All the countries united to fight global recession. 所有的國家團結一致對抗全球性的不景氣。