- a plane of unidentified nationality; an unidentified aircraft 不明國籍的飛機
- An unidentified man shot the President. 一個身份不明的人開槍射殺了總統。
- The minority nationality concert lasted two hours. 少數民族音樂會持續了兩個小時。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我認為日本是一個好戰的國家。
- I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 有人告訴我說,西班牙是個浪漫的國家。
- An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen. 一個不明飛行物出現在雷達螢幕上。
- Australia is an English speaking nation. 澳大利亞是一個講英語的國家。
- Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones. 大國可以對小國稱王稱霸的日子已經一去不復返了。
- He succeeded in arousing the nation's sympathy. 他已經激發了全民的同情。
- Our nation's manhood died on the battlefield. 我國的男兒已戰死疆場。
- The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers. 這種未被確認的植物具有燦爛的花朵。
- In doing so, he did a great service to the nation. 通過這樣做,他給國家做了一件大好事。
- The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war. 國家徵召所有壯丁參戰。
- The colony has now attained nationality. 這塊殖民地現已獲得獨立。
- An unidentified man did a brodie last night. 一名姓名不詳的男子昨晚跳河自殺。
- She storied about her nationality. 她謊報自己的國籍。
- That socialistic nation pay homage to the previous premier. 那個社會主義國家向前任首相表達敬意。
- He was shot and killed by an unidentified gunman. 他被一名不明身分的槍手射殺了。
- It is our nation's mortification. 這是我們國家的恥辱。
- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE I think there is an addiction. 女被訪者我認為它容易讓人上癮。