extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell;
"something demonic in him--something that could be cruel"
"fires lit up a diabolic scene"
"diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils"
"a fiendish despot"
"hellish torture"
"infernal instruments of war"
"satanic cruelty"
"unholy grimaces"
having committed unrighteous acts;
"a sinful person"
用作形容詞 (adj.)
There is nothing unholy about that. 沒有任何東西是不神聖的。
He is not conscious of the holy and the unholy. 他並沒有意識到聖潔和不聖潔。
He took an unholy delight in her discomfort. 他對她的痛苦有一種幸災樂禍的感覺。
People who pontificate are usually unholy bores. 以命令的口氣說話的人通常都是邪惡的無賴。