- Are Carnalism and Hedonism Yang Zhu's Idea? 「縱慾」「享樂」可能是楊朱的思想嗎?
- Obama』s idea is a prescription for more disasters. 奧巴馬的想法是引向更大災難的處方。
- Einstein' s ideas on physics have held the field for years. 愛因斯坦的物理學理論多年來一直保持其權威性.
- The author points out that, to study Fangta Garden, to grasp the designer s idea and expression approach, one must carefully study Helou Xuan. 要研究方塔園,要正確地把握設計者的創作立意與表現手法,就必須仔細分析研究何陋軒。
- FREUD'S IDEAS ARE also reawakening in sleep and dream science. 佛洛伊德的想法也一樣重新出現在睡眠與夢的科學。
- It was B.B.'s idea originally, of course,' he added as an afterthought. 當然啦,起初這是B.;B
- It is worth asking whether Woodrow Wilson』s idea could be wisely applied now. 值得一問伍德羅威爾遜的想法可能是明智的適用於現在。
- Andre』s idea of joke was to put a young Iman and a young Naomi in my bed. 安德烈(電影中的利里比亞總統)和我開玩笑的方式,就是把兩個漂亮女人放到我床上。
- While Fuseli' s rehabilitation is admirable, the Tate' s obsession with inclusiveness dilutes Sir Christopher' s ideas. 雖然富塞利的重振旗鼓令人肅然起敬,但堅持包羅萬象的泰特美術館還是弱化了克里斯托弗的觀念。
- A daybed that may be used for tanning is revealed by electrically unfolding one side of the trailer. 阿daybed可用於鞣是揭示的電動展開一方的拖車.
- Edna』s nakedness into the sea echoes both Lao Zhuang』s, and Thoreau』s ideas on nature and ecofeminism. 愛德娜裸身投入大海的寓意與老莊、梭羅的自然觀、生態女性主義等皆有相通之處。
- Pinker rejects Lakoff』s ideas, which have become fashionable among Democratic strategists. 最近,巴西透露已經準備好在新的談判中作出一定妥協。
- The fundamental causes are rooted in the difference of Japan's and ASEAN's ideas on regionalism. 東盟和日本在東亞地區主義理念上的分歧是這一反差產生的根本原因。
- The story unfolds one summer, shedding light on the awkward characters: Yujiro, his daughter Sakiko, and the frequent customers who seem distant from such happiness. 故事在夏天展開,又在夏天結束,磯部,他的女兒咲子和那些常客們離這段美好的時光越來越遠了。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- Edna"s nakedness into the sea echoes both Lao Zhuang"s, and Thoreau"s ideas on nature and ecofeminism. 愛德娜裸身投入大海的寓意與老莊、梭羅的自然觀、生態女性主義等皆有相通之處。
- EXAMPLE: The great philosopher"s ideas underpin the beliefs of many young people today. 這位偉大哲學家的思想是當今很多青年人的信念支柱。
- No one had ever seen such events unfold before. 之前從沒有人見過這樣子的事件。
- The AWI follows AWH's ideas of guarding the traditional heritage consistently, and plays an important role for the eastern art spread until now. 尊古國際秉持尊古山房保衛民族文化的一貫理念,積極拓展國際交流。
- The lotus represents a connection between the two elements of water and land, rising out of the water to bloom in great beauty with petals unfolding one after the other remaining pure and unstained. 蓮花表達了水與土地兩個元素之間的聯繫:從水中生出,美麗無比,花瓣層層,去除污漬,帶來美麗。它不僅有自身的精緻與美麗。