- He has an unerring knack of saying the wrong thing. 他有個出言必失的本領。
- You can trust his unerring taste in cloths. 你可以相信他的衣著品位,絕對沒問題。
- I have it on unimpeachable authority. 我從絕對可靠的權威處獲悉該消息。
- A source of information regarded as original or unimpeachable. 可靠信息原始的或勿庸置疑的信息來源
- You can trust his unerring taste in cloths . 你可以相信他的衣著品位,絕對沒問題。
- This is market rule, unimpeachable. 這是市場規律,無可指責。
- Your testimony on this matter is hardly unimpeachable. 在這個問題上你的辯駁很難說是無懈可擊的。
- He have an unerring knack of saying the wrong thing. 他有個出言必失的本事。
- She had an unerring instinct for a good business deal. 她有天生擅長做生意的本事。
- Willoughby Pattern is a man of unimpeachable honour. 威洛比·帕忒恩是個無可指責的高尚的人。
- With unerring judgment he threw the ball through the hole. 他判斷準確無誤,球一丟就空過洞。
- He had an unerring instinct for when people were lying to him. 他具有準確的直覺,能判斷別人什麼時候是在說謊。
- The wisdom that arises in that lucidity is unerring. 在此中的知識就是純粹的真理。
- Yes, she had lost her unerring sense for the reek of evil. 是的,她已經喪失了對邪惡氣息的敏銳嗅覺。
- The antique dealer has an unerring ability to spot a fake. 那古董商慧眼識珠,鑒別假貨從不出錯。
- It is the revenge that nature takes on persons of unimpeachable character. 這是自然對人品無瑕的人的報復。
- When toned down again, the unimpeachable patriot appeared in the witness-box. 這陣喧嘩過去,那無懈可擊的愛國志士已經登上了證人席。
- He never had to hesitate, he always knew, and always with unerring precision. 無論何時他都用不著躊躇猶豫,都不會說不上來,而且還都能說得毫髮不差。
- All round the table, the gentlemen looked unimpeachable in the extreme. 這些紳士們圍著桌子坐著,樣子都極端地無可非議。
- When toned down again, the unimpeachable patriot appeared in the witness-box . 這陣喧嘩過去,那無懈可擊的愛國志士已經登上了證人席。