- A person summoned to jury duty under a venire. 陪審員候選人受陪審員召集令召集履行陪審職責的人
- Some tragedy will befall a person who walks under a ladder. 如果誰要是從梯子底下走過去的話,那麼厄運就要來了。
- A person who holds property under a deed made without consideration. 無償受約者沒有報酬而置其財產於一契約之下的人
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸鑽進了石崖下面的洞里。
- For example, if a baker wants meat, he must search for a person who sells meat and wants bread under a barter system. 例如,用物物交換的交易方式,如果一個賣麵包的想要得到肉,那他就必須找一個想得到麵包的賣肉的人才能交易。
- I am sure he would never strike a person, except under provocation. 我確信他不會打人,除非是受到挑釁。
- Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信壓在一堆文件下面了。
- A person cannot generally transfer his obligations under a contract to another without the consent of the other party and the assignee. 義務的轉讓:合同債務經債權人同意,通過與第三人協議,將其合同義務全部或部分轉移給第三人承擔。
- He did the work with his teacher' s guidance. 他在老師的指導下做了這件工作。
- In the storm we take refuge under a big tree. 在那次暴風雨中,我們躲在一棵大樹下。
- A life preserver consisting of a connected pair of inflatable bags that fit under a person's arms and provide buoyancy,used by children learning to swim. 由一截連在一起的充氣袋子組成,能放在人的胳膊底下提供浮力,用於學水的兒童。
- A person is no happier because he rolls in wealth. 富有的人不一定比別人幸福。
- The rebels returned home under a general amnesty. 造反的人經大赦釋放回家。
- We should not judge a person by his appearance. 我們不應該以貌取人。
- It's considered unlucky to walk under a ladder. 從梯子下面走過被認為是不吉利的。
- Bail out a person committed to prison. 把一個在押的人保釋出來。
- Is the woman sitting under a tree? 那位婦女正坐在樹下嗎?
- He is a person of important social status. 他是一個有重要社會地位的人。
- He lay in his bunk under a mound of blankets. 他躺在鋪上,身上蓋了一大堆毯子。
- The country is under a military regime. 這個國家處于軍人統治之下。