- Class using the specified array type and rank. 使用指定的數組類型和秩初始化。
- Class using the specified array type name and rank. 使用指定的數組類型名稱和秩初始化。
- See also the manual sections on the Array type and Array functions. 參見數組類型和數組函數章節。
- Array elements can be of any type, including an array type. 數組元素可以是任何類型,包括數組類型。
- Describes common language runtime array types. 描述公共語言運行庫數組類型。
- Parameter of an array type must be assigned before it is used; that is, it must be assigned by the callee. 參數前必須先為其賦值,即必須由被調用方為其賦值。
- Array types are reference types derived from the abstract base type Array. 數組類型是從抽象基類型Array派生的引用類型。
- This property contains the name of the type unless it is an array type, in which case it is the array element type. 如果不是數組類型,此屬性包含類型的名稱;如果是數組類型,則它為數組元素類型。
- You can only use this property on pointer or array types. 只能對指針或數組類型使用此屬性。
- The type argument must be a reference type; this applies also to any class, interface, delegate, or array type. 類型參數必須是引用類型;這一點也適用於任何類、介面、委託或數組類型。
- Represents an array type with a component type that is parameterized or a type variable. 用已被參數化的組件類型或類型變數表示的數組類。
- At least one Variant in the source array could not be cast down into the destination array type. 源數組中至少有一個變數未能向下轉換到目標數組類型中。
- "An Array declaration uses - restricts or extends - the soapenc:Array type, or the wsdl:arrayType attribute is used in the type declaration. "(有限或延伸使用 soapenc:Array 類型的陣列宣告,或者在類型宣告中使用 wsdl:arrayType 屬性。)
- Do not use this method to generate array types, pointer types, or byref types. 請勿使用此方法生成數組類型、指針類型或byref類型。
- Type names may include trailing characters that denote additional information about the type, such as whether the type is a reference type, a pointer type or an array type. 類型名可能包含尾部字元,尾部字元表示有關該類型的附加信息,如類型是引用類型、指針類型還是數組類型。
- This thesis sets up a method to pursue optimum design of array type QCM by using numerical packages (ANSYS) so as to provide a low cost and high efficiency design and development. 本研究利用電腦輔助設計軟體(ANSYS)建立一套設計多通道石英晶體微天平測量器之方法,提供一套低成本且快速之設計研發方法。
- After systematic testing, it is verified that the methods developed in this thesis can lead to the successful development of a miniature array type bio-QCM sensor system. 並且將利用電腦輔助設計軟體所設計出的雙通道QCM給實體化,經由實驗驗證后,證實利用本研究所提出之設計方法可建構出一套可平行檢測生物樣本之多通道石英晶片。
- Use the MakeArrayType(Int32) method overload to create multidimensional array types. 請使用MakeArrayType(Int32)方法重載來創建多維數組類型。
- There are no different indexed and associative array types in PHP; there is only one array type, which can both contain integer and string indices. PHP中沒有不同的數字下標和關聯下標數組,數組的類型只有一種,它可以同時包含整型和字元串型的下標。
- This subinterface provides information about array types, where the component type of the array is either parameterized or a type variable. 這個子介面提供了關於數組類型的信息,數組的組件類型可以是參數化的,也可以是一個類型變數。