- And it is true that vast fleets of airplanes on both sides contribute a new and uncertain factor. 但同時,雙方龐大的戰機隊,也給戰爭帶來新的、不確定的因素。
- Now ,the world economy is on the reviving stage,and still faces many uncertain factors. 當前,世界經濟處於緩慢復甦階段,仍面臨諸多不確定因素。
- The uncertain factors of the process of judicature are the objective and insurmountability shackle. 司法過程的不確定性因素的存在是司法過程中客觀存在的、難以克服的桎梏。
- Some uncertain factors in experiments could lead to the inaccuracy of test data. 摘要試驗中存在的多種不確定因素常造成試驗數據不準確。
- Because of a lot of uncertain factors in the construction of digital library,risk management should be adopted. 數字圖書館建設和管理中存在著許多不確定性,必須對其進行風險管理。
- Too many uncertain factors prevent us from being able to predict the sales volume. 由於不確定因素太多,我們不可能實現定銷。
- In order to reduce the damage misidentification induced by uncertain factors, a damage assessment method is developed. 摘要基於多源損傷信息可以有效解決由多種不確定性所導致的損傷誤判問題。
- Risk here is defined as a negative impact on productiveness because of various uncertain factors. 風險,這裡指由於多種不確定因素對盈利性的負面影響。
- The uncertain factors affecting security on the Korean Peninsula continue to exist,and the situation in South Asia remains unstable. 影響朝鮮半島安全的不確定因素依然存在。南亞地區形勢仍不穩定。
- In particular the weather conditions or an uncertain factor, and Singapore is likely to rain at night. 尤其是天氣的狀況還是一個不確定的因素,新加坡的夜晚很可能下雨。
- The uncertain factors affecting security on the Korean Peninsula continue to exist, and the situation in South Asia remains unstable. 影響朝鮮半島安全的不確定因素依然存在。 南亞地區形勢仍不穩定。
- Grey forecasting model provides a method to forecast a system in which there are both known information and uncertain factors. 摘要灰色預測法是一種對既含有已知信息又含有不確定因素的系統進行預測的方法。
- Corresponding disposal methods of uncertain factors were introduced, including the probability, varying complexity theory and so on. 介紹了不同不確定性因素的相應處理方法,包括概率論、變複雜度理論等;
- The macro-control measures were taken when some of the unstable and uncertain factors are still in the offing/in the budding stage. 這次宏觀調控是在經濟運行中不健康、不穩定因素還處在苗頭性、傾向性狀況時提出來的。
- Considering the uncertain factors of the slope stability and shoring design, this paper adopts reliability theory to analyze the stability. 考慮邊坡工程穩定性分析與支護設計存在不確定因素,本文還利用可靠性理論,對邊坡設計方案進行了可靠度分析。
- Secondary fine particulate matters (SFPM) is one of the most uncertain factors influencing on the radiative forcing and global climate changes. 摘要大氣二次顆粒物是影響大氣輻射強迫和全球氣候變化最不確定的因素之一。
- Many uncertain factors are involved in seismic performance evaluation and the probabilistic results drawn from inadequate information are suspectable. 結構的抗震性能評估中包含許多不確定性因素。
- The relevant factors include news judgment,political judgment, personal responsibility ,polygraph and other external uncertain factors. 與「把關人」相關的要素,包括新聞判斷、政治判斷、個人職責與興奮點、外界各種不確定因素等。
- This paper presents the method of mean weighted, which can eliminate such uncertain factors by averagely assigning the chose options. 本文介紹的平均加權法,通過對所選項數進行平均賦權,以此消除以上的不確定因素。
- The uncertain factors brought about by the September 11th incident have exerted serious negative impacts on the global economy that has recorded a slowdown for a long time. 「9·11」事件帶來的不確定性因素,給全球長期下滑的經濟帶來了深刻的負面影響。