- Sales of other consumer goods also rose. 其他消費品的銷售量也增長了。
- Prices for consumer goods are going up. 消費品價格在上漲。
- Deceptive advertising have damaged the company's image among the consumer. 虛假廣告已損壞了該公司在消費者中的形象。
- Consumer goods production was to go up by6.6percent ing that city. 在那個城市消費品生產將增長6.6%。
- Any increase in wage costs is bound to be passed on to the consumer. 任何工資成本提高必定轉嫁到用戶頭上。
- The ancient consumer city was now turned into a modern industrial base. 這個古老的消費城市今天已經變成了一個現代化的工業基地。
- Guangzhou ULTRA UNION Chemicals Ltd. 廣州超邦化工有限公司。
- Add ultra and lovely role personages. 加上超可愛的角色人物。
- Put the article and culture needed on the ultra. 把接種所需要的物品和培養基在超凈工作台上擺好。
- Your city is by and large a consumer city. 你們的城市大體上是個消費城市。
- Ultra Bright LED as light source and is an. 燈為光源的水晶吊牌。
- A high inflation rate importing hard times for the consumer. 很高的通貨膨脹率對於消費者來說意味著日子不好過了
- Ultra simple design, what u get? 由此極度簡單的造型,能想到什麼!
- Firms do not know when consumer tastes will change. 廠商不知道消費者的愛好在何時變動。
- Dust chambers, ultra low industrial freezers. 吸塵室,超低溫工業冷凍機。
- The life grants often the ultra your imagination. 生命的賞賜往往超乎你的想象。
- Biotherm AqauSource Ultra Cool Hydrating Water-gel. 不知道和樓上說得是不是同一個東東。
- Shopper crowded into downtown store, snap up once-ration consumer goods. 顧客們擁入市中心的商店,搶購曾是計劃供應的消費品
- Toughened ultra clear glass lens with AR coating. 特殊處理過的堅韌清澈透明的玻璃透光鏡片。
- Use an ultra violet property marker. 使用紫外線財產標記。