- The book's page number is printed at the upper part of the type page 這本書的頁碼印在版口中鋒上端。
- Length: 8-10 typed pages, double-spaced in 12-point type, stapled, with pages numbered. 長度:8-10頁,12級字型,雙倍行距,用釘書機裝釘並標示頁碼。
- The page number is shown at the foot of the page. 在頁腳處可以看到頁碼。
- Type a page number in this box and then press ENTER to jump to a specific page. 在此框中鍵入頁碼,然後按Enter以跳轉至特定頁面。
- An invalid page number was encountered. 遇到無效的頁號。
- Format: Author's last name, Year: page number(s). 格式:作者姓名,出版年:引文頁碼。
- CHCP Displays or sets the active code page number. 顯示或設置活動代碼頁編號。
- The Specify Columns'Content and Data Type page appears. 「指定列的內容和數據類型」頁將隨即顯示。
- A line at the head of a page or passage giving information such as the title, author, and page number. 說明文字在書頁或文章頂部用於說明如標題、作者及頁碼等內容的一行文字
- Gets or sets the page number of the upper left page. 獲取或設置頁面左上角的頁碼。
- Click the page number links to see additional employee records. 單擊頁碼鏈接以查看其他僱員記錄。
- On the CA Type page, select Stand-alone root CA, and then click Next. 在「CA類型」頁上,選擇「獨立根CA」,然後單擊「下一步」。
- Click one of the navigation buttons or type the page number that you want to see in the page number box, and then press ENTER. 單擊某個導航按鈕或在頁碼框中鍵入想要查看的頁碼,然後按Enter。
- Text that appears in the bottom margin of printed pages, such as a document title, page number, or data. 在有印刷文字的頁面底部空白處出現的文字,如文件標題、頁面號碼或日期等。
- All papers should have page numbers! 所有論文都要標明頁碼!
- This information includes the page number, page type, the amount of free space on the page, and the allocation unit ID of the object that owns the page. 此信息包括頁碼、頁類型、頁的可用空間以及擁有該頁的對象的分配單元ID。
- Suggested length: 6 typed pages, double-spaced. 建議長度:6張打字頁數,雙倍行距。
- On the Select the Report Type page, select the Matrix option, and then click Next. 在「選擇報表類型」頁中,選擇「矩陣」選項,再單擊「下一步」。
- These can be used to identify an image by its time, resolution, or page number. 這些值可用於按照圖像的時間、解析度或頁碼來標識圖像。
- Page number Write in the number of the page on which the story begins. 頁碼。寫下新聞故事開始的頁碼。