- Are provided for the actual pump performance curve is a smooth curve. 其實際是規定了水泵的性能曲線是一條平滑的曲線。
- The network marketing plan most typical performance, is draws support from certain topics carries on at the website and the forum hypes. 網路營銷策劃最典型表現,就是藉助某些話題在網站和論壇上進行自我炒作。
- There is a set of written descriptors for each of the five levels which describe the typical performance of candidates at that level. 在該五個水平級別中,每一個水平級別都有一套等級描述以作為描述在該水平級別的考生的特有表現。
- The most typical performance of stubbornness is to quarrel or even vituperate unreasoningly.I can say that, 90% of the people on line are only making irresponsible remarks. 頑固最典型的表現就是無理性地爭執甚至漫罵,我可以說,90%25的人在網上都是在毫不負責任地信口雌黃,例子我都不多舉了。
- It is flexible, lightweight, flexible, with typical performance of packaging materials, to overcome the common fragile styrofoam, deformed back to the shortcomings of the poor. 它柔韌、質輕,富有彈性,具有典型的包裝材料性能,克服了普通發泡膠易碎、變形、回復性差的缺點。
- Builds the performance curve regression equations of two types of pumps with the least square method,and gains the fitted curve equations. 利用最小二乘法建立了兩種型號水泵的性能曲線回歸方程組,從而得到了水泵的性能曲線方程。
- The control logic preventing the compressor from surge was analyzed and improved after the performance curve of compressor in gas turbine booster station was analyzed. 通過對燃氣輪機增壓站壓縮機性能曲線的分析,對壓縮機防喘振控制邏輯進行了分析及改進。
- This paper introduces the typical performance and interface design method of the PCI local bus,and also gives a example for data acquisition of radar terminal based on the PCI local bus. 本文對PCI匯流排的典型性能和基於PCI匯流排的介面設計方法作了介紹,並給出了基於PCI匯流排的雷達終端數據採集通道的實例。
- Finally,applying practice production data analyzes several typical performance characters of the oil wells, which are damaged by particle damage of producing formation, in Jidong Oilfield. 最後應用實際生產數據對比分析了冀東油田館陶組產層微粒運移傷害后油井的幾種典型動態特徵。
- Method typically performs all initialization. 方法會執行所有的初始化操作。
- Implementing with LabWindows/CVI,this system can realize sampling data,controlling blower speed and working stage,scaling performance curve automatically. The results of site operation show the advantages of the system. 該系統採用LabW indows/CVI開發平台,可實現風機性能參數的自動採集與處理、風機轉速及運行工況的自動控制,風機性能曲線的自動繪製等功能,測試結果表明了系統的優越性。
- The intake lag angle of the engine is optimized, and the dynamic effects of intake pipes and exhaust pipes to the improvement of motorcycle engine is applied to make the engine test performance curve approach the simulation curve. 本文介紹了從進氣晚關角及進排氣的動態效應幾方面著手,不斷改進發動機的配氣相位以及進排氣系統,使發動機的實際性能曲線逐步接近計算機模擬曲線。
- Multi-dependent shooting exposure or lack of treatment of development, so that the image most darkened level falls to the negative performance curve of Plantar and the lower part of the straight line. 眾因拍攝曝平或顯影不敷所致,使圖像暗調條理不小局部落在負像共性弧線的趾部及弧線下半部。
- It can get the conclusion that the reasonable flow pressure of producing well should not be lower than the pressure corresponding to the first inflexion point of the inflow performance curve. 分析得知,試采井合理井底流壓不應低於流入動態曲線第一個拐點對應的壓力。
- On the Series TDV Performance Curve (Fig. 5) locate the differential pressure obtained in Step 6.3.2 and project line horizontally across to intercept with Valve Performance Curve. 在系列TDV的性能曲線(圖5)上找出從步驟6.;3
- In charge of configuration of new pump for FPV.Create new drawing, product code, Item Master, BOM, Routing, Transfer Pricing, Performance Curve, Test specification, accessories, etc. for FPC order. 負責給客戶配置定製化產品,並為新的定製化產品創建新的圖紙、產品號、物料信息、物料清單、工藝流程、價格、性能曲線、測試要求和隨機配件等。
- In the existing 300MW steam turbine condenser performance curve,the cavitation in water ring vacuum pump is not taken account,so the curve can t exactly reflect the operation state of condenser. 現有的300MW機組凝汽器特性曲線沒有考慮到水環真空泵汽蝕特性對凝汽器運行特性的影響,不能準確反映凝汽器的運行狀態。
- It was typical of her to forget. 她這人就是愛忘事。
- They typically perform tasks like registering window classes and initializing variables. 初始化代碼典型的任務是註冊窗口類和初始化變數。
- He answered with typical curtness. 他像往常一樣,回答時唐突無禮。