- Before Locke, Becon and Hobbes are two supreme British empiricists. 洛克之前培根和霍布斯堪稱英國經驗主義雙璧。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 這兩種政體正好相反。
- The business is owned by two partners. 這家商行為兩名合伙人所擁有。
- She has two cars and in addition a motorboat. 她有兩輛轎車外加一艘汽艇。
- The meat marinated in the brine for two days. 這塊肉在鹽水裡泡了兩天。
- At that time he had two helpers. 當時他有兩個助手。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 報價時,請對每一個等級的各寄兩個樣品。
- The two boys decided to play truant and go fishing. 這兩個男孩決定逃學去釣魚。
- A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms. 稍作些調節就會使兩間房內的溫度相等。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 這兒的居民過去每天吃兩餐飯。
- He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital. 在醫院住了兩個禮拜後,現在他能外出走動了。
- He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue. 他用膠水將這兩塊木料黏在一起。
- The captain ordered two flags to be placed fore and aft. 船長吩咐在船頭和船尾各掛一面旗子。
- The doctor is hoping to find two auxiliaries to work under him. 這位醫生希望能找到兩名幫他工作的助手。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音樂和繪畫是他生活中的兩大嗜好。
- The two of them were necking on a park bench. 他們倆在公園的長凳上擁抱親吻。
- The two plans meshed with each other smoothly. 這兩個計劃互相配合得很好。
- Bob often stirs up a fight between the two boys. 鮑勃經常煽動這兩個孩子打架。
- He chatted with us for two hours and made notes. 他和我們談了兩個鐘頭,還做了筆記。
- He was so ill that two nurses attended on him. 他病得那樣重,有兩個護士照顧他。