- The "two German states formula" cannot be applied to the settlement of the Taiwan issue. 「兩德模式」不能用於解決台灣問題。
- For these reasons,the Taiwan issue and the German issue cannot be placed in the same category,nor can the "two German states formula" be copied to settle the Taiwan question. 因而,德國問題與台灣問題不能相提並論,更不能照搬「兩德模式」解決台灣問題。
- For these reasons, the Taiwan issue and the German issue cannot be placed in the same category, nor can the "two German states formula" be copied to settle the Taiwan question. 因而,德國問題與台灣問題不能相提並論,更不能照搬「兩德模式」解決台灣問題。
- Against the backdrop of the confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union,the two German states had foreign troops stationing in their territories and so were compelled to recognize each other and co-exist in the international community. 在美蘇兩國對抗的背景下,兩個德國都分別駐有外國軍隊,被迫相互承認和在國際社會並存。
- Against the backdrop of the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union,the two German states had foreign troops stationed in their territories and so were compelled to recognize each other and co-exist in the international community. 在美蘇兩國對抗的背景下,兩個德國都分別駐有外國軍隊,被迫相互承認和在國際社會並存。
- Against the backdrop of the confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the two German states had foreign troops stationing in their territories and so were compelled to recognize each other and co-exist in the international community. 在美蘇兩國對抗的背景下,兩個德國都分別駐有外國軍隊,被迫相互承認和在國際社會並存。
- Against the backdrop of the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, the two German states had foreign troops stationed in their territories and so were compelled to recognize each other and co-exist in the international community. 在美蘇兩國對抗的背景下,兩個德國都分別駐有外國軍隊,被迫相互承認和在國際社會並存。
- Common interests allied Holland with the Protestant German states . 共同的利益使荷蘭和新教的德國各邦聯合了起來。
- Common interests allied Holland with the Protestant German states. 共同的利益使荷蘭和新教的德國各邦聯合了起來。
- The latest arrests there were of a Turkish migrant and two German converts. 而最近在德國被捕的三個恐怖分子,一個是土耳其移民,另外兩個是皈依伊斯蘭教的德國人。
- Prussia then set up the North German Confederation(1867) of German states. 然後,普魯士成立了由德意志邦國組成的「北德同盟」(1867年)。
- But the optimal control theory failed because of the lack of the technological state formula. 最優控制理論在工業上的應用也首先選連軋機,由於無工藝過程狀態方程而未取得成功。
- Germany has ordered farmers to keep poultry indoors as bird flu has infected more than 150 wild birds in a total of four German states -- Bavaria, Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt in the past two weeks. 德國已經命令農民不能讓家禽外出,因為過去的兩周里禽流感共已經傳染了德國四個州:巴伐利亞、薩克森、圖林根州和薩克森-安哈特的超過150隻野生動物。
- Was founded in the 19th century by two German political thinkers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 現代共產主義是兩位德國政治思想家馬克斯和恩格斯在19世紀創建的。
- Bjorn and Griebel are two German students who came to our school last year.I still keep in touch with them via ICQ. 對我個人來說,上網聊天除了讓我的英語突飛猛進,還幫我解決了視力問題。
- An unknown GI dashed out of his foxhole, took bazooka from a dead soldier, and engaged two German tanks. 一個不知姓名的美軍士兵躥出藏身的散兵坑,從一個犧牲士兵那裡抄起巴祖卡火箭筒,與兩輛德軍坦克交手。
- After 1945 the German states were put in charge, deciding on such details as examination and admission rules. 1945年以後,德國各州政府就接管了大學,連考試和招生規章之類的瑣事也要有決定權。
- The falling snow mercifully covered the remains of the two German battalions that, in that short time, ceased to exist. 飄落的雪花悲憫掩埋了兩個德國營的殘留,也就那麼一剎那,這兩個德軍營就不復存在了。」
- Amounts of up to 30 grams of marijuana are allowed in most German states for private consumption. 接到報警,警方隨即指控這名男子觸犯了相關法律,併當場沒收了他的大麻。
- BMW CEO Norbert Reithofer recently voiced his concerns about the two German automakers forging too close of a bond. 寶馬公司首席執行官諾伯特雷瑟夫最近表示擔心兩名德國汽車製造商建立了密切的債券.