- BJDFYHKJFZYXGSBQSY Two times what number makes ten? 什麼數的兩倍是十?
- Brush your teeth two times a day. 每天刷牙兩次。
- The old lady stops out in the sun two times a day. 這位老人一天2次到戶外曬太陽。
- This river is two times longer than that one. 這條河比那條河長兩倍。
- I heard it ring once or two times just now. 剛才我聽到電話響過一兩次。
- I ran the movie two times on my blog. 我在博客上兩次提到了那部電影。
- I come to China for two times each year. 每年我來中國兩次。
- The genie clapped his hands two times. 精靈拍了手兩下,
- Fact, I read this book two times. 坦白說,這本書我已經看過兩次拉。
- Red is two times as much as Blue. 紅色是藍色的兩倍。
- The class name C2 is used two times in this code. 在此代碼中使用了兩次C2類名。
- The old man is two times older than I am. 這個老人的年齡比我大一倍。
- My age is two times older than his. 我的年齡比他大兩倍。
- The query declares the MI prefix two times. 該查詢聲明MI前綴兩次。
- So you can always keep two times at once? 那你一直能同時知道兩地的時間?
- Take this medicine two times a day. 此葯一天服用兩次。
- Two times what number makes ten? 什麼數的兩倍是十?
- I did one or two times, but I failed. 我做過一兩次,都失敗了。
- The Yong Pioneers the rooms for two times a week. 少先隊員們為老人門一周兩次打掃房間。
- You mean you want to marry this man twice your age who's been divorced two times already? You'll only do it over my dead body! 你是說你要和那個年紀比你大一倍,已經離過兩次婚的男人結婚?你要想和他結婚,除非等我死了。