- He took part into the institution of the science. 他加入了科學協會。
- The policeman dug into the files the whole morning. 那個警察整個早上在仔細查閱檔案。
- Breaking up the whole into parts, assembling the parts into a whole. 化整為零,化零為整。
- The bees will spread out evenly into the whole box. 蜜蜂均勻地分散在整個盒子里。
- I don't know when we will be able to make a start because the whole project has gone back into the melting pot. 我不知道我們什麼時候能開始,因為整個工程又回到了動蕩不定的局面。
- They have to smuggle the spare parts into the country . 他們不得不向這個國家走私備件。
- They have to smuggle the spare parts into the country. 他們不得不將零配件偷運進該國。
- He put the whole of his money into the bank. 他把所有的錢都存進了銀行。
- gathering parts into the whole 聚零為整
- The Panel may order that any documents submitted in languages other than the language of the administrative proceeding be accompanied by a translation in whole or in part into the language of the administrative proceeding. 陪審團可以指示對於所有使用的語言不同於行政訴訟規定語言的文件,要連同用行政訴訟的語言進行全文或者部分翻譯的譯文一起遞交。
- Somehow the whole abortive affair got into the FBI files. 這件早已夭折的案子不知怎麼就進了聯邦調查局的檔案。
- When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 我們若把嚼環放在馬嘴裡,叫它順服,就能調動它的全身。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把車開進了停車區。
- After he, too, is dismembered, the group buries the remains, planting the parts into the crust of the earth. 這些人掩埋了殘骸,將它們種在了土壤表層。
- Food production of the whole world fell into the lowest. 全球糧食降到最低水平
- Despite her initial hesitation, she took part into the production and did very well. 她起初有點猶豫,後來不但參加了演出,而且還演得相當成功。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船駛入了港灣。
- One, turn part of all acerb yin and yang into fruity round part, whole space can appear very modest, very soft beauty. 一、把所有尖銳的陰陽角變成圓潤的圓角,整個空間會顯得很謙虛、很美麗。
- Quite fearless,Henry was prepared to wade into the whole crowd. 亨利毫不畏懼,準備攻擊這一群人。
- Before putting the harness back in the rucksack, open the rear zip and insert the upper part into the large pocket. 在把裝備放回背包之前,打開後方拉鏈並且把裝備上部分插入大口袋。