He practiced standing on his head and turning somersaults. 他練習倒立和翻筋斗。
The male encourages the female's cannibalistic tendencies, somersaulting over her mouth parts as he transfers sperm into her, she says. 她說,雄性鼓勵了雌性性食同類的傾向,它們在把精液注入雌蜘蛛體內的同時在她嘴邊翻筋斗。
They are head over heels in love with each other. 他們倆神魂顛倒地愛戀彼此。
The first pretty girl he saw turned his head. 他看到的第一個漂亮姑娘就讓他神魂顛倒。
Nobody can turn back the wheel of history. 任何人都無法使歷史車輪倒轉。
The Rightists want us to turn round and take the capitalist road. 右派就是要倒轉這個方向,走資本主義道路。