- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一種使用陰極射線管的顯示裝置。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把試管拿在手裡。
- I must buy a tube of toothpaste. 我必須買一支牙膏。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 這管子柔軟但很堅固。
- He demonstrated the principles with chemicals and test tubes. 他藉助化學藥品和試管講解了這些原理。
- A glass tube for enclosing the flame of a lamp. 玻璃燈罩圍住燈的火焰的玻璃管
- Apply solution to the tube and allow to become tacky. 在內胎上塗抹膠水並讓它發粘。
- The tube was sealed off by fusing the material together. 管子以熔合管端的方法封閉起來了。
- He slipped the telescope into a steel tube. 他將望遠鏡收進一根鋼管內。
- The tube is sealed at both ends. 這管子兩端是密封的。
- The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube. 電子管使發射器產生脈衝波。
- Suck on the tube to draw up the water. 用管子把水吸上來。
- She bought a tube of toothpaste. 她買了一管牙膏。
- A tube with a very small internal diameter. 毛細管一根內徑十分細小的管子
- She cried when she saw all her plans go down the tubes. 看到她一切的計劃全都失敗了,她哭了。
- The child has earache caused by blocked Eustachian tubes. 這孩子因耳咽管堵塞而引起耳痛。
- His wife travels to the office by tube every morning. 她妻子每天早晨乘地鐵去辦公室上班。
- An electron tube having a cathode and an anode. 電子二極體有一個陽極和一個陰極的電子管
- Characterization of a multi-anode photo-multiplier tube for array detectors. 用於陣列探測器的多陽極光電倍增管特性研究。
- The steel tubes were clogged with dirty matters. 鋼管里塞滿了臟物。