- If I were you,I'd try one of the newspaper stands. 你不妨去報攤看看。
- I would like to try one of these dresses on. 我想試穿這其中一條裙子。
- If I were you, I'd try one of the newspaper stands. 如果我是你,我會到一個書報亭去看看。
- You might try one of our cheaper components. 你試試這種較便宜的組件怎樣?
- One should try one's best to serve the people. 一個人應該全心全意為人民服務。
- Edward: I want to try one thing. 愛德華:我想要試試一件事情。
- You might try one of our cheaper components . 妳試試這種較便宜的組件怎樣?
- I have get a packet of Camel. Will you like to try one? 我有一包「駱駝牌」香煙,你想來一支嗎?
- I've got a packet of"Camel" . Would you like to try one? 我有一包「駱駝牌」香煙。你想來一支嗎?
- Let's try one more time to reach the top of the mountain. 讓我們再做一次努力,爬上山頂。
- The test SOG Field Pup got some use at PWYP.However, I』ve been putting it through it』s paces for nearly a month now and figured it was time to spread the word on this knife offering from SOG... 測試 SOG 領域學生得到了在 PWYP 的一些使用. 然而,我已經經過資訊科技放它是將近月現在的速度而且演算它是該傳布在這一支刀上的字來自 SOG 的提供時候...
- I like Thai and Vietnamese food too - shall we try one of those? 我也喜歡泰國和越南菜?
- The film』s pacing is slow and its mood is contemplative. 電影的節奏緩慢,而氣氛令人沉思。
- I've got a packet of "Camel". Would you like to try one? 我有一包「駱駝牌」香煙,你想來一支嗎?
- The tiger tries one's best to have run away fast. 老虎儘可能快地逃跑了。
- How's this brand of cigarettes? -- Not so bad. Try one. 這種牌子的香煙怎麼樣? --馬馬虎虎, 你來一支試試。
- He tried one experiment after another. 他做了一個實驗又一個實驗。
- And you just have to try one of their super chocolate brownies. 還有他們的巧克力果仁蛋糕,不可不嘗。
- Mary: Lisa, will you also try one on? I like the burgundy. 瑪麗:麗莎,你要不要試一件?我喜歡那件葡萄酒色的。
- If I were you, I would try one of the newspaper stands. 如果我是你,我會到其中一個書報攤去試試看。