- How can I trust one who always breaks his promises? 我怎麼能相信經常違背自己諾言的人呢?
- Sometimes it takes doubt for us to trust one anther . 有時需要獨處,我們才能發現真實的自我;
- It was Swank 's judgment that he had become irrelevant. 斯旺克的評價是,此人已無足輕重了。
- And they'd promised,above all,that they would always trust one another. 而且,最重要的是他們曾經承諾,要永遠互相信任。
- All Israel acted quickly to execute God』s judgment upon the violator of the covenant and his household. 以色列全體百姓立即對破壞上帝之約的人及其家人執行審判。
- Specified NT domain is not a trusted one. 指定的NT域不是受信任的域。
- We' ll submit ourselves to the court' s judgments. 我們將聽從法庭的裁決。
- Collaborators have to trust one another, but the research group is the first line of defense against inaccuracy, deliberate or not, some physicists maintain. 有些物理學者主張,合作者確實必須互相信賴,但研究團隊卻是防範錯誤的第一道防線,不論這些錯誤是有意或無意形成的。
- I trust one half what he said. 我對他所說的話只相信一半.
- Cruel slander, wicked misrepresentation, desertion of friends, betrayal by the most trusted one, and whatever else may come cannot hinder the LORD's purpose concerning you. 但另一方面,我們也有信心,知道主必看顧這一切,祂寶血要洗凈我們因無知而犯的錯,將它丟到深海里不再紀念。
- I have perfect trust in his judgment. 我完全相信他的判斷。
- "I will absolve her of it presently," said De la Marck, "for here, with one stroke of a cleaver, will I consecrate myself Bishop of Liege, and I trust one living bishop is worth three dead kings. 當行會主席巴維翁的大名在這狂囂的聚會上被通報上去時,他竭力裝出一副權威和影響都使他有權和他們平起平坐的要人氣派。
- No one can trust a deceitful person. 沒有人會相信愛騙人的人。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty. 女孩的那些首飾將被託管到她二十歲為止。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 這就是那些圖樣.;你喜歡哪一個[些]?
- I'll trust you to behave responsibly while I'm out. 我相信你在我外出期間會認真辦事的。
- We should never trust our judgment of the future. 我們永遠不應該相信自己對未來的判斷。
- Can we trust our judgment of the future? 我們能相信我們對於未來的判斷嗎?