- The trouser trawl method is one of the methods of m ea suring the selectivity of towed fishing gears. 褲式拖網法是漁具選擇性研究方法之一,其網形和校核試驗於2002年1月在挪威特魯姆瑟海灣進行。
- Calibration of the Trouser Trawl and Analysis of the Net Form 褲式拖網法校核試驗和網形分析
- trouser trawl A trawl net with a pair of cod ends used in mesh selectivity experiments. 雙袋拖網具有兩個網袋的拖網,用於試驗網徑對魚獲的選擇性。
- One of his trouser legs was torn. 他的一條褲腿被扯破了。
- Every room in the hotel have an electric trouser press. 飯店每個客房都備有熨褲子的電熨燙機。
- The turned-up fold at the bottom of a trouser leg. 翻邊褲腳底部向上摺疊的部分
- He drew out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket. 他從他的褲袋中拉出手帕來。
- The soup spilled over and stained his trouser legs. 湯溢出來弄髒了他的褲腳。
- There's a hole in your trouser leg. 你的褲腿上有個洞。
- Turn up your trouser legs and they won't get wet. 把褲腿捲起來就不會濕了。
- The trouser legs are slightly tapered. 褲腿逐漸向里收窄了一些.
- I stuck my hands into my trouser pockets. 我把手入褲袋。
- Turned uo his trouser leg,he showed us the wound. 他翻起褲腳,把傷口給我們看。
- They used a device which I call a torture trouser. 他們用一種裝置,我管它叫一種折磨褲。
- She stoops to turn down his trouser ends. 她彎下腰去把捲起的褲腳放下來。
- He thrust his hands into his trouser pockets. 他把雙手插在褲子的口袋裡。
- I cannot heip but tighting trouser belt this month. 這個月我不得不勒緊褲腰帶。
- We did a wide trawl to find the right person to play the part. 我們到處尋找一個合適的人來演這個角色。
- And trouser lengths are up slightly, just a little. 褲子長度稍短一點,只短一點點。
- "Over 190 premises were visited during a CCTV trawl. 「超過190個視頻通過一個閉路網路被觀看過。