- Big sister rides a bike, little sister has a trike. 大姐姐騎大腳踏車兜風時,小妹妹會騎趴趴車緊隨在後.
- Would you like to prepare the nacelle? 你能去準備機艙嗎?
- The Q is the general purpose trike in their range. 這個Q是一般用途的竅門及射程。
- Washing trike with rain water on the road. 清洗自己的愛車,而地上就是一灘下雨的積水。
- Bike of the Year, Trike of the Year and European Bike of the Year. 自行車的一年,竅門的,今年和歐洲自行車的一年。
- Thank you for checking in on Chameleon Trike development. 感謝您對檢查中變色龍Trike發展。
- The trike is a symptom of the delcination of economy. 這次罷工是經濟衰退的徵兆。
- Different nacelle with deeper ross-section and intake over propeller shaft. 發動機艙、螺旋槳軸處的進氣口有一些不同。
- Dense smoke coming out of No4 engine cowling( engine nacelle), fire suspected. 第四號發動機整流罩冒濃煙,可能著火。
- A Shandong farmer rode a trike and took his 87-year old motherto visit Beijing. 一個山東農民蹬三輪車把87歲的母親帶到北京遊覽。
- The sensor shall be located at nacelle height, eccentric to the tower axis. 感測器必須處於機艙高度,並偏離塔架軸線。
- We want to lift the top section and the nacelle of no.X is there any problems? 我們想要吊X號的上段和機艙有什麼問題嗎?
- It's also quite possibly the fastest production trike on the planet right now. 它也很可能是最快的生產竅門就目前地球上。
- Shandong farmer rode a trike and took his 87-year old motherto visit Beijing. 一個山東農民蹬三輪車把87歲的母親帶到北京遊覽。
- When I was a kid, I had a big wheels trike made of thick hard plastic. 小時候我有一個粗笨的塑料製造的大車輪的三輪車。
- For a specification of this trike, please checkout my old Thunderbolt brochure. 為規範這一trike ,請結帳我的舊迅雷小冊子。
- Comfortable at dish box container, nacelle, tracery wall, window box and balcony help advance somebody's career. 適於盤盒容器,吊籃,花牆,窗盒和陽台栽培。
- DC torque motor under the reaction flywheel control mode was used in nacelle azimuth control in this paper. 摘要實現了用直流力矩電機在反作用飛輪控制方式下對氣球吊籃的方位控制。
- If the nacelle movement is not transmitted to the tower, a suitable relative movement may be sensed as a substitute. 如果機艙的運動沒有傳遞到塔架,作為替代,則必須測量適當的相對運動。
- An O-ring located in nacelle flange is applied between the grease channels in nacelle and bearing. 在機艙潤滑油脂通道和軸承之間有O形圈,O形圈位於機艙法蘭上。