- It was a mere nothing before Repton took it in hand. 勒普頓沒經手改造之前,它原來算不得什麼。
- I brought you back a small present. It's a mere nothing but I hope you like it. 我給你帶回來一件小禮物,雖然物微,但我希望你會喜歡。
- The ducks in the islands of the river clamour in joy for mere nothing. 河裡島上的鴨群,無緣無故地歡樂地吵鬧。
- But the world's most intelligent animals are human beings, a mere nothing, a small crab? 可是世界上最聰明的動物是人類,區區一個小螃蟹算得了什麼?
- He spoke softly, bowed his head, lowered his eyes, smiled with embarrassment, dressed badly, had an awkward air, blushed at a mere nothing, and was very timid. 他說起話來語調輕緩,俯首低眉,靦腆地微笑著,舉動拘束,神氣笨拙,無緣無故地臉羞得通紅,膽怯。
- A mere trifle brought about a quarrel between the brothers. 一點兒小事引起了兄弟間一場爭吵。
- The quarrel rose from a mere trifle. 爭吵由小事引起。
- It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是個奇迹。
- He professed to know nothing about the matter. 他聲稱對此事一無所知。
- Nothing can unsettle his resolution. 什麼也動搖不了他的決心。
- I do not want to make a fuss over such a trifle. 我不想為這種小事大驚小怪。
- His conduct is a mere cover-up for his nervousness. 他的行為只是為了掩護他的緊張。
- When it comes to German, I know nothing. 談到德語,我一竅不通。
- Helen rowed with her boyfriend about a mere trifle. 海倫為一點小事與男友爭吵。
- They quarrel fiercely because of a mere trifle. 為了一件小事他們大吵了一架。
- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 無人知道該書是何人所寫。
- His fine clothes are a mere facade, facade. 他漂亮的衣著只是虛有其表而已。
- I have only a trifle of wine left. 我只剩下一點點酒了。
- They had an altercation about a trifle. 他們為一點小事爭吵起來。
- I will pay nothing under compulsion. 在強迫之下我分文也不願付。